What should you men work on getting first, second, and last in life?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by bourne1978, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    What should you men work on getting first, second, and last in life?

    A. The house first, the car second, the wife last
    B. The wife first, the house second, the car last
    C. The car first, the house second, the wife last
    D. The car first, the wife second, the house last
    E. The house first, the wife second, the car last
    F. The wife first, the car second, the house last

    And if you choose to, explain the wisdom to your selection.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    A wife that has a car and a house..
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Best reply that I have seen for weeks. :yum::yum::yum:

    I think that we have a lot in common.
    Orison and ZenKarma like this.
  4. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    I almost automatically reply D, all of the above, but I see there are more options than usual... but I think I'd also opt for G. It worked for my brother, twice...
  5. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think that it's easier to find love once you're able to offer stability; thus C. The car, the house, the wife.
  6. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    A job.
    Orison and themnax like this.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    life isn't about getting. its about the kind of world we have to live in and how we make it so.

    but you want the context of get, then first get the skills to make or explore what makes you feel at the end of the day, you've done something with your time you enjoy doing.
    then as the opportunity develops, the various tools and means that may be involved in doing so, but also always keep your eyes out for minimalist ways of doing things with what you actually already have, because you still need to keep in mind that there is nothing you can always count on.

    really we live in a messed up culture if we have to think always in terms of having, owning, possessing.

    i mean its easy to think in terms of things we'd like to have, but we need to consider also the using of them and how doing so affects other things that affect both everyone else, and ourselves resulting from how they do. and if you just want something to hang on the wall and try to impress someone else by having it, this impresses me negatively, because that is being kept from someone who could use it to good purpose, or the materials and everything else that went into making it is.

    so a place to build and grow things, and then the things to build and grow them with and out of.
    affectionate relationships are good, but its totally backward and messed up to think of them as possessions.
    even non-human companions, its backward headed and wrong to think of as a thing you own.

    (also the implication of gender having anything to do with it is also backward headed and wrong)

    (also "a job" is a good one, but so much is lost in the translation when complex issues are reduced to a single word. one thing i do wish there was a word for though, is the intersection between infrastructure and environment, because that has always been my focus of interest, even with my paranoi of professional responsibilities)
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    First: A reason for being.
    Second: The ability to follow that reason
    Last: Acceptance of death
    FritzDaKatx2 and soulcompromise like this.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well once you are born, you're there, whether you believe you have or need a reason or not, so really the first question you face is what are you going to do about it.
    and the first thing you need to accept is that the unknown is unknown, no matter how uncomfortable it makes the ego feel, to accept that ignorance is a universal possession.
    then next you have this whole diversity of a universe, bigger and more diverse then you can imagine, and it only stops being all good, when someone else starts telling you to smother and conceal it beneath layers of interpretation and selective perspective.

    death of course exists, and appears to for all physically animate things that move under the power of their own thought.
    but i'm not so convinced we gain anything from the stress of being under a kind of time pressure, from the realization that our individual window of opportunity to interact with this physical universe is of limited duration.
    FritzDaKatx2 likes this.
  10. WhatJustHappened

    WhatJustHappened Members

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    F didn’t work out for me!

    Tell that to the judge!

    I’m trying for C this time, car check, house in progress, and time will tell, in not on the hunt though!

    Fuck that.
  11. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Why would a man want any of those things?

    Just give me a bag of Cheetos, my video game, and moms basement.
  12. Idlewild

    Idlewild Members

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    You can't get a job without a car, but if you find the right woman, it doesn't matter what you own, so my answer is, hellifiknow.
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    my mom never had a basement, and yes, you can get a job without a car. or at least you can from time to time, just can't always count on having either.
    all things come and go, which makes it a good idea to not ever count on having any of them.

    paradise: a place where you can count on being allowed to build, without requiring permits or compliance with detailed regulations, provided this is done without endangering or infringing upon others.

    the mobility of a car is fun, but its not the freedom it appears to be. precisely because of the time it takes of indenturing yourself to acquire and maintain one.
    in urban areas there are public transportation systems. in rural areas where there are not, is the place for one, and to be able to live in them.

    personally i put having a computer close to the top of that list, and internet access not far below it. but a place to make things, for me, that is number one.
    well that and some lawful and legitimate source of income, or preferable to that, a culture and a nation of such nature, as to not be defined by symbolic value, indenture, or conflict.

    likewise, better public transportation then most of us can probably imagine would be preferable to the maintenance and acquisition burden of a personal motor vehicle,
    any place that wasn't really too low population density and too remote for there to be.
    and by scaling infrastructure to demand, any place with more then fifty people within a reasonable walk of each other, could have some sort of minimal form factor system.

    as for the whole life-mate/family thing, completely optional as there are way too many humans for environmental balance already.
    this is not a matter of population density entirely, but of carrying capacity of the diversity of other life and resources.
    yes it is possible, even very likely and what we actually have, for there to be more people then is sustainable, and yes,
    the continuation of a species can be and is, endangered by their being too numerous.
  14. Jude96

    Jude96 Members

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    1. Freedom/travel

    2. Family/Stability/Love

    3. memories of a life well spent
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    first getting "his" head out of his ass (unless "he's" one of the lucky ones who never let his parents, or anyone else, convince him to put it there)

    then it becomes useful to notice how "his" behavior affects the world around "him" and those who have to live in it.

    somewhere along in there of course also is securing a reliable and sustainable means of continuing 'his' own existence,
    (though it is questionable how sustainable, and or reliable, any available means of doing so might be)

    three things are eternally essential for the living; shelter, sustenance, and gratification for the mind.

    it takes a village to have time for anything besides looking for the next meal. (but it doesn't take having to be so eternally in conversation, to never be able to see or hear anything else)
    (this is why the invention of agriculture was almost inevitable, but the invention of hierarchy was not)
    Sexwise likes this.
  16. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    You need to set yourself up to make yourself happy. I don't think you can count on a checklist to do it. You might find you get that point on the list and still feel unsatisfied. Not everyone cares about cars or wives. I work with people who could buy some very nice automobiles and they still take the train and live in apartments that cost like half of what they could really afford.

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