What 'not-Overweight' Men Think About Overweight Women

Discussion in 'True Love' started by T.C., Dec 29, 2016.

  1. T.C.

    T.C. Member

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    First of all, I hope the section in right.

    I was thinking...
    If a guy dates a skinny girl and he also has a good physique, sporty, looked after (not necessary muscular), what does he think about a more fleshy girl?
    What I mean is: men usually have particular demands about their women's body. Most of them want women with terrific bodies, solid and good looking. But what if a man falls in love with a woman who hasn't these qualities? I know it could sound a bit strange, but in my opinion it's pretty hard to find a sporty and healthy man dating a woman that isn't into sports and fitness or has the luck of being skinny.

    Is it possible that subconsciously these kind of men fall in love with women who have same predispositions?

    Vulgarly, is like to say "skinny calls skinny, fat calls fat".
    I eventually want to specify that when I say fleshy or curvy woman, I mean a woman who isn't necessary pathologically obese, but with remarkable breasts, ass and hips, very feminine.
    Hope not to sound too weird! It's been hard to write what was in my mind!
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i suppose it makes sense that active people would be more likely to date each other, due to that whole common interests thing.
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    What about, if they have children, and she gets a bit of a tummy?
    Is he likely to dump her?
    My xhusband had a great physique, but he stopped working after an illness, and is now over 20stone, that never bothered me, he was just the same guy he had always been!

    So would you fear being talked about if you were with a curvy girl?
    Even if you loved the person?

    I think the whole "shape" thing, is shallow, and says more about the person doing the criticism tbh!
    ahsorandy, katsia and GLENGLEN like this.
  4. T.C.

    T.C. Member

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    I agree!
    I think the body shouldn't be a limit.
    Anyway, about true love and common interests, I am not 100 per cent sure that common interests are essential in a couple life.
    My wife and I have such few hobbies in common.
    I like cinema, she doesn't; I like tv series, she doesn't; I like music, also niche, she doesn't; I like videogames, she barely tolerates me when I play Fifa on the Playstation.

    Nevertheless, we live wonderfully together.

    (The thread ain't about me. It was a question, born watching the world.)
    1 person likes this.
  5. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You should have stopped the sentence there

    GLENGLEN, neoprene_queen and morrow like this.
  6. Friendly10

    Friendly10 Members

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    I get people look at other people an think they make a good match because they are in good shape or there both plump but who,are we to say who should be with who. I like petite girls but I find I have more fun with a girl that has a plus size body. Not just in the bedroom but doing things together.
  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I know you're asking just men, but if I may...

    I'm sporty and active and I love me some big womenz.

    Interestingly enough, the love of my life is 6'0 250lb Amazon of a woman. But she plays basketball and volleyball and goes to the gym a couple times a week. She's not in bad shape, she's just...large. She's never going to petite or thin. It's just not her body structure. So, people can have commonalities in regards to being active, sporty or healthy, and still be opposites when it comes to body size.
    Eric! likes this.
  8. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I don’t really think about fat women at all. I work with fat women all the time and we get along just fine.

    Would I date a fat woman? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t be sexually attracted to her.

    Talk about depravity
  9. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I like em petite, I like em "fleshy" but not obese like Grimace (McDonalds character). Big girls that are physically active are just as hot to me as a fit girl. They would all get the same lovin from me, regardless.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  10. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I love Amazon type women, tell ya girl to watch OUT! Just kidding, but seriously, I love em!
  11. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    Before depression affected my psyche and I ended up getting out of shape, I was reasonably fit. It was during this time that I developed this strong romantic feeling toward someone. She just happened to also be chunky. But I found her attractive, and we had a strange thing going on, but in the end we couldn't turn it into an actual relationship.

    Oddly enough, it wasn't after I gained weight that I met my current girlfriend. She was skinny when we first met, but I think she ended up gaining a few extra pounds by hanging around me one summer, lol. She is far from obese, but she isn't as skinny as she was before, and I for one think that's a good thing. She still wishes to become more fit, and I want to get back in shape myself, so that's kind of one of our common goals.
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  12. Addicted2MEN

    Addicted2MEN New Member

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    I see nothing wrong with heavy women.
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I see nothing wrong with fit muscular women, provided that they have a good personality. But I could never imagine being attracted to a woman who was too fat and lazy to get out of bed in the morning, even if she did want me to stay in bed with her. LOL
    However, each to their own. I worked with a guy some years ago who was 5'6", slim as a rake and a complete fitness freak. His wife was about 6 foot and weighed 22 stone. One of his claims to fame was that he could lift her and carry her up the stairs.
  14. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    Fat or certainly slightly chubby women can be sexy.....not my ideal preference, but they can still be hot. It's only really when a woman goes over a certain size into mega-whale territory that really, really doesn't float my scrot!!!!
  15. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    This sounds a bit rude, but the company you keep wears off on you; if you surround yourself with overweight friends, you are more likely to engage in the activities which cause your friends to be fat. Something tells me that this effect would be even bigger with a significant other. Now, it's possible that the fit partner might rub off on the overweight partner, but something tells me that the fit partner is more likely to fall into easier, more instantly rewarding habits (eating more, eating worse things, moving around less).
  16. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    It depends really. I only became out of shape in the past few years, and before that I was always reasonably fit. My mother is unfortunately overweight in a not very healthy way, but living with her, I was always able to stay thin. It's just that in my case, the weight gain didn't happen because I was around fat people all the time. I wasn't because my friends come in all shapes and sizes. I just happened to experience an episode of depression some years back, and that triggered the weight gain. My girlfriend still tells me I'm not fat, though. Lovely girl she is.
  17. gratefuldead1990

    gratefuldead1990 Members

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    I am very active. I train anywhere from 2-4 hours a day at the gym, but I prefer my women to be on the much thicker side. Big hips, big legs, and I don't mind some extra body fat.
  18. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I was talking to my lover about this kind of thing the other day...I'm probably small average and he is stocky through his shoulders (just like I like) and average size from his chest down. (I'm not talking about body parts now ;) ) Anyway...ALL my life I've watched big girls always wind up wind up with little skinny men - like the little skinny men would have hips that couldn't be more than 34"...and sometimes smaller!!!

    I think that (from observation over my 61 yrs) that little skinny men are attracted to the more healthy woman ... they are skinny enough to be able to get up in there, and the big women want a man that is able to wiggle around and get up there! So...as vulgar as that may be, those are my thoughts on the matter.

    I literally have only known 1 (ONE!!!) couple that both are somewhat large...and I will admit I always wondered how in the world they were able to "get together"...he would have to be working with a foot of junk...or maybe doggy style???
  19. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I think it would come down to health. If the person's size is causing them to be unhealthy, I don't think that should be celebrated and encouraged. Fat shaming is completely wrong, but encouraging and enabling someone to stay over weight, is also wrong.
  20. la Principessa

    la Principessa Member since '08

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    To be honest, it isn't easy. I dated a big guy and I'm curvy myself. Being on top was hard because I felt like I was doing the splits just to straddle his thighs, which were even larger than mine. Plus, he had a very small package so it didn't feel like much. Mostly, his stamina and penis size was the issue sexually. But the fact that we were both bigger didn't help either. I'm dating someone who's curvy but thinner than me and we have no issues. Honestly, it all depends on how determined you are to get freaky lol And flexibility helps. People don't expect me to be very flexible but I'm very good at that.
    Lynnbrown likes this.

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