What must be said in the first?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Tany, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Tany

    Tany Guest

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    We've been dating for several years, but never had sex. We tried a petting, mostly easy but a few times it was more intimate. I'm sure that I am definitively ready but I do not know how to offer it my beloved. For so many years, we have never talked about that so I can not guess what she really thinks about it. I've thought all the details but I can not figure out how to approach to this topic. and what i have to say firstly? I really want to say something special she will remember*like a part of our faery, wonderful first time. Please help me to solve this little problem. ^^
  2. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    Every human who has ever lived and who has had sex, has had a first time.
    And probably most are as nervous and unsure as yourself.
    Don't stress about it.
    Don't try and create something false.
    Just let nature/hormones take their course and enjoy what happens.

    It's usually a lot easier after that!

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