What makes you smile? Brownie Brown jumping up on my shoulder while I have a camera in my hand is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get a smile outta me... And for the record, HF turned that pic around. lol It was pointed in the right direction when I uploaded it.
Hmm, the sideways pic thing gives me an idea for the "things that make ya mad" thread... Whenever a kid makes a genuinely funny comment in class I always smile.
Getting good and high on marijuana, be it edibles or smoking - funny tv always makes me laugh and smile.
The way children are so "useless and dependent"when they are born and then to watch them grow, learn to master their physical surroundings and language. They're little blank slates, as it were, and can and should be taught love and empathy as they mature. They don't begin to get the bad stuff about life until later, given that they have loving people around them. Not like that son of a bitch ( kids thrown in oil tanks) or any son of a bitch that terrorizes their own family. He flat needs killed and that will be taken care of in prison. (I'm sorry for the downer---that has really affected me.) So yeah--children make me smile.
A head, neck, and shoulder massage after I get my head shaved at the barber shop. Oh my damn, that feels good!!!
yeah...I know just exactly what you mean @scratcho Kids are remarkable, and how the hell anyone can intentionally harm, kill, and/or maim one, much less their family...well, I understand where you're coming from there.
- my nephew and niece, awesome kids - when people in foreign countries know about my country. Like...anything...I accept football too xD When I was in Turkey that really made me smile - when you realize you have something in common with someone who seems very different...even people from Somalia - when you don't even realize someone has become important and close to you...and then you realize - fuck, they're family to me now - random messages from old friends