Yeah, me, too and I had an ex who when she got drunk, man, she was a super slut and we had great sex... and better sex once I got her to stop getting drunk all of the time.
Very true about not being inhibited. All too often during the course of a long relationship ones inhibition/s can be caused by us (the other partner). Those inhibitions can be extremely hard to let go of because of trust or lack of I should say. Desire, one of the other virtues of good sex as mentioned. Testosterone is what keeps the world populated and the foundation of desire but being human things get complicated beyond that. One example I'll use is the desire to want to remain in a sexual relationship after being hurt, disappointed, let down, lied to, something that caused an inhibition. How the guilty one navigates thereself after the hurt they caused usually determines if the the relationship can be revived. If not admitting thier wrongdoing and apologizing for the inhibition they have caused, the sexual part of the relationship usually is the first thing to be affected. We must always consider the others feelings before we act or there can be long term consequences to the desire of the sexual relationship. Moving on to touch. I've always felt that touch is the most important and revealing part of showing desire to one another. Talk is very important but can become a check to see if your listening to me test during a long term relationship. How you touch your significant other speaks louder then words ever could. The husband that grabs his wife's hand as thier heading out on a walk, or the wife who puts her arm around her husband in a crowd, those public displays of affection always say I desire you. The desire to touch the other for pleasure should be a benefit to both as in the one touching should feel pleasure in feeling that person they desire and the one being touched, well, if your not feeling pleasure from being touched there's a serious issue. The husband or wife who's cognitive enough to recognize pain in thier loved one and massage them without being asked. Being able to hold focus on how the other is recepting your touch through thier facial expressions, moans, flinching body parts and adjusting where and how you apply your touch for thier maximum pleasure shows how much attention your paying to them, and loving them. There are many factors to having good sex. These are only a few but very important ones.
My wife had one that stood out over the rest, a few she might give an ok, but not with too much enthusiasm.
She had sex with a former lover from college, and it was good. The old guy was just much better. The younger guys were not good at all.
Certainly being relaxed will do you wonders, and if you trust her. I think being attracted to her is of course important. But there's more of a chance of enjoying the sex if you both get on the same page. With escorts, some are nice and engaging. But you can feel quite rushed. And to them, it's just a routine of wanting paid. You can disappear after that promptly. It could end up feeling artificial.
Sex is indeed a beautiful conversation between two bodies mating and becoming one together! From first touch to kissing to full intercoure to climax. Whether it’s between a man and a woman, two men, two women or otherwise. I love having this kind of intimate conversation with my husband as we enjoy beautiful anal sex until we each orgasm. It really isn’t necessary for us to actually talk as we let our bodies communicate with each other and respond equally and effectively…