What kind of job possibilities...

Discussion in 'Body Modification' started by Wolf_Bloodfang, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Wolf_Bloodfang

    Wolf_Bloodfang Member

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    What kind of decent job posibilities would be available for a heavily modified person? When I say heavy modified, I mean like Dennis Avner (known by most as the tiger dude) , Lizard Man, Enigma modified. I'm still very young, and I know my ideas will change as I age and grow. But I've been into body mods for about 2 or 3 years now, and I love it. But when I get older, with the ability to get mods done, I don't want my only job possibility to be a side-show act. So I want to know, are there any other decent jobs for a heavily modified person?
  2. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    You could become a tattoo artist.
  3. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    A circus???

  4. icedteapriestess

    icedteapriestess linguistic freak

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    What do you want to do?

    Run your own business: if you are the boss you can set your own hiring guidelines. Work from home over the internet: people can't object to what they don't see. You could be a bartender or bouncer... might be intimidating to the non-modified group (bonus for a bouncer). Artist, writer, rancher, grain farmer (though the other farmers might look at you weird in the begining). You could even be an actor, although you would be limited to certain sterotypical roles (ie. circus worker).

    Pretty much anything that didn't involve a lot direct contact with a lot of people, I figure.
  5. fountains of nay

    fountains of nay Planet Nayhem!

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    Go to thailand and become a ladyboy
  6. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    lots of computery type jobs should be ok, especially stuff like tech help (if there are any positions left in north america), basically any job where the customer can't see you, aside from subway or an equally dingy fast food joint
  7. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Erm...any job...an employer can't hire/fire based solely on appearance, that's discrimination :D

    of course...that don't make gettin' the acutual job any easier...but how you look shouldn't dictate the kinda job you have :)
  8. kif

    kif Member

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    It's America, it matters, trust me.
  9. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    ah..dunno then...never worked there :)

    sorry dude
  10. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    Anytime you are dealing with the public you would be open to discrimination. Even running your own business...your clientel may decide to seek someone else. Hell, they even have classes for people to get rid of their southern accent because people don't take them as seriously in a business/proffesional world.
    An employer can be picky when it affects their profits and when appearance offends a portion of their clientel/customers, however large or small a percentage, they can have certain requirements to appearance. You would run into that even if you decided to be self employed. Mrs Smith down the street might not want her lawn mowed by someone that looks like a freakshow escapee, or want her computer fixed by someone that didn't appear professional. She might be afraid to let you in her house to do repair work...you get the idea. Is that right, to be judged that way? Maybe not but thats the way of the world. Predjudices go farther than just your skin color, sex, and age.
  11. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    porn star :)
  12. Wolf_Bloodfang

    Wolf_Bloodfang Member

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    I like that idea! lmao

    Really though, Priestess and Murria, those are very good ideas, the computer thing is something I'd be good at.

    But I'll still leave an opening for pornstar :p
  13. Gr8fulyDeadicated

    Gr8fulyDeadicated Member

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    hahaa!! my big, burly, long haired, heavily tattooed/pierced hubby did a short stint as pizza delivery boy - i can't imagine the looks on peoples faces when he showed up at the door :D lol!!!

    he also owned his own head shop once upon a time & a lawn service company, he's done silk screening and made a killing at it, bartender (what he was doing when i met him), masonary work, & all kinds of driving jobs. oh yeah, and he's always tattooed since he was about 16. the guy he did his first tattoo on still has it, he did good :)
  14. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    I think the reation to a tattooed person and a heavily modified one may be alot different though. Tiger or Lizard man may get an even bigger reaction than just tats.
  15. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout Senior Member

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    Daycare provider?
  16. Wolf_Bloodfang

    Wolf_Bloodfang Member

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    Well, what I want isn't that extreme I guess, as in, they can be hidden mostly.

    I want a few whisker lip piercings (can be taken out after healing and put in whenever), my ears pointed (I have long hair, so no problem there), and my canine teeth elongated (...that my be a bit difficult to hide, but as long as I don't smile too much), also I'm gonna get black and yellow color contacts, but they aren't really mods.

    hmm...can you guess the pattern? lol

    I used to have "claws" kinda, but I had to clip them when I took up guitar.
  17. Gr8fulyDeadicated

    Gr8fulyDeadicated Member

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    a friend of mine took up dental work - i'm not sure what exactly you call the profession, but he made dentures and partials (not a dentist). he made some awesome fangs that were on like a retainer wire that fit over his regular teeth so could pick up girls at the bar with em... too funny :D

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