What Kind Of Diet And Workout Program Are You Guys On?

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by Jennifer19, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. footballalways

    footballalways Banned

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    Lots of high grade protein. Lots of hydration. You will probably eat more than you THINK you are
    suppose to but the protein combined with WORK pays off. It is a good road map to a lean body
    Roseycheeks and Captain Scarlet like this.
  2. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Half the battle for me was dropping meat in its entirety and avoiding those horrible hard fats that are pesky to get off . I also avoid all takeaways for the same reason . As the above poster says plenty of protein .
  3. footballalways

    footballalways Banned

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    ^^Great post. You sort of have to change the way you think of eating. Athletes look at this type of eating as simply PART OF THEIR JOB.
    Your body will betray you if you do not take care of it.
  4. GarnetJade

    GarnetJade MissAbstract

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    Yes, what we put into our bodies is important, I'm trying to change my diet now.
    Did a water fast a while back to cleanse my body and well that didn't go so well.
    But I'm fine now. Eating like I should, but if only I could add more exercise to the equation.
    Roseycheeks and Captain Scarlet like this.
  5. I have a diet high in fruit, veggies and lean protein. I go low in carbs and avoid baked treats and processed foods. I don’t count calories, I just eat till content. If my 34 waist jeans start getting snug I cut back. On a normal week I work upper body three times, but only one is the heaviest. I do high reps of body weight squats on the other days and some fast walking. One or two days I have a nice break!
    GarnetJade likes this.

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