What Kind Of Diet And Workout Program Are You Guys On?

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by Jennifer19, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I am doing the elliptical everyday 40 mins trying to build myself up too go even longer I have lost 6 pounds and I'm trying to cut out the snacking and not pigging out as much and not too eat something heavy before I do go too bed I have a glass of instant breakfast a blueberry whip Greek yogurt in the morning and one at night with a banana it really helps me not want chocolate it takes away that's sweet stuff and dinner I have a cheese raves lean meal or the rigatoni lean meal I am a very very picky eater probe one of the most on the planet lol my triglycerides went way down blood sugar a little high so I have to watch my sugar intake this is the best I have felt in years yes some anxiety but I think that's normal for everyone I think since I got my card and don't have to hide it I get more motivated to wanna workout and lose more weight :)
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I pretty much eat what I want, but try to eat as healthy as I can most of the time by focusing mostly on whole foods like vegetables, rice and meat. This past week I have been on vacation, so my diet has been pretty shitty and I have been drinking a lot. I haven't worked out all week either, but that will all change starting tomorrow. Normally I work out 4-5 days a week lifting weights, but lately it's been a lot of body weight exercises (pushups, pullups, dips, etc.). I don't do cardio since I get more than enough at work and am a pretty active person. Basically, the more active you are, the more you can eat what you like without having to worry too much about it. But eating real food (as in not processed and loaded with sugar, oils and chemicals) at least 80-90% of the time is pretty much the best a person can do for their health. It's possible to be healthy while still enjoying not so healthy foods in moderation without being anal about it. The best way to reduce your blood sugar and triglycerides is to avoid sugar, and reduce your intake of fast-digesting starchy carbs like bread, pasta and junk foods. Also increasing physical activity, and not limited to just cardio.
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  3. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    its hard having these rods in my back I am unable to do push ups stuff like that. I love walking this summer I walked everyday with my cousin he is having allot of back problems and his grandmother took a bad fall and is not doing good at all :( I don't eat fast food and have cut out the chips and sweets like Ice Cream its hard cause we always have that shit in the house I sure as hell don't by that junk my mom likes to have that in the house I really think she try's to sabotages my diet its getting to the point that I get so pissed off that I don't give in and eat that shit I take a medicine that increases my appetite so at night I clime the walls too not eat something heaving or bad
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Diet... I eat when I have time. No processed foods.

    Exercise... Firewood/construction/landscaping. It's doing more damage than good.

    Such is life, or so they say.
  5. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I do diet and exercise, when I'm on track (currently not).

    My diet:

    Meal 1 - Nuts 170 Cal, Coffee with Cream 60 Cal, Granola Bar 140 Cal, Piece of Fruit variable Cal (depends on the fruit. Today it was 68 Cal for a Peach), Boiled Egg 70 Cal

    Meal 2 - Mayonnaise 35 Cal, Onion (negligible Cal), and half a Veggie Burger Patty 85 Cal

    Meal 3 - Peanut Butter 100 Cal, Bread 90 Cal, Jelly 25 Cal, Protein Shake 130 Cal

    Meal 4 - Celery and Salsa 10 Cal, Fish (4 oz.?) 120 Cal

    Meal 5 - 1 Cup of Cheerios/Half Cup of Skim Milk 150 Cal, Protein Shake 130 Cal

    That totals up to about 1400 Cal per Day. When I work out I typically burn around 500 to oh I don't know lets say 600 Calories. So that's my diet and exercise. When I do this successfully I lose around 1 pound every 3 days or so. Works phenomenally well. It's hard though. Kind of a crash diet if you ask me. It's not so bad but it could get monotonous for some. Lately I've been slacking off.
  6. gentle_dissident

    gentle_dissident Members

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    I'm a sugar free vegetarian. I eat low cal/ no cal, low carb, and high protein. I work out by working. I'm 6'1" 205.
  7. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    See food diet, I see it, I eat it..just cut out sugar, a lot of carbs, and walk lots! Oh, and drink lots of water!
  8. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I drink water and put orange crystal light in it I don't drink soda anymore its very rare that I have a pop I guess just tring to stay away from the snacking and chocolate sometimes I drink a cup of coffee in the morning with some creamer in it.
  9. RiderOnTheStorm2.0

    RiderOnTheStorm2.0 Lizard Kween Lifetime Supporter

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    Right now, I'm on the keto diet allotted 1200 cals/day and 20g/carbs a day max. When not on keto, I still rely on low calorie, high protein, low carb eating habits, just much less rigid. I do HIIT workouts from Bodyrock (two 12 minute routines per day, 5 days a week). Currently doing two 30 day challenges (one for general strength and fitness improvement, and one for strength and fat loss).

    So far, I'm 11 pounds down, still have 13 more to go until I reach my goal weight. Finally starting to see some more definition, which is GREAT motivation to keep going.

    Height: 5'10"
    Most recent weigh in: 143 lbs
    Goal: 130 lbs + tone and definition
  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Wow, some you you keep your calories way too low. That's not good for the metabolism and burns muscle. When you go back to eating normally, you will put on weight much faster than you would if you dieted with a more moderate deficit (1,500-1,700 as opposed to 1,200-1,400).

    Crash diets are okay when they're done right and protein levels are met, but only for short periods of time.

    My opinion is that the best way to diet for fat loss and optimal muscle retention is to eat as close to maintenance as possible, and achieve most of the calorie deficit through physical activity.

    Ultra low calorie diets crash your hormone levels (leptin, thyroid, testosterone, etc.) which can actually make it harder to lose weight over time.

    If you're an adult woman and you regularly work out, anything under 1,500 is way too low other than for short periods of time (1-2 weeks).

    I think anything under 2,000 calories is too low for men, and anything under 1,700 for women. Ultra low calorie diets on top of extreme physical activity is a recipe for disaster in the long run. It will definitely wreak havoc on your metabolism at the very least.

    That is MY two cents, take it or leave it.
  11. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Another thing I forgot to mention in my first post is that I also do intermittent fasting most days. Usually 16 hours fasts with an 8 hour eating window. Once or sometimes twice a week I will do a 24 hour fast.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i eat whatever. i make no particular effort to be healthy, but i have the benefit of enjoying decently healthy foods and having a relatively healthy lunch deli really close to work. i do have a lot of fast food for dinner though, because convenience. i also am lucky to not particularly enjoy pop, so i mostly just drink water. or beer, which is probably not ideal, but i don't usually drink too much of that anymore either. i tend to eat 2 big meals per day, along with a breakfast bar in the morning, and a before bed snack maybe 50% of the time. no idea what the daily calories are, but i'm sure it's usually well over that silly 2000 number on all the serving size labels.

    as far as exercise, i'm pretty active generally both at work and in my personal life, but the only intentional exercise i do is lifting weights once or twice a week for about 8 months of the year (i rarely have time to lift in the summer).
  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't know... :) It seems to work, but I've been considering upping the calorie intake to include more peanut butter, and also making my protein shakes with milk instead of water. But I'm pretty sure I will just let it be for now or until I get really really hungry again, lol.
  14. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    I train mostly for strength & stress relief (I usually combine heavy weightlifting with higher rep, bbing stuff)....diet wise, nowadays I try & get in plenty of fibre & protein & moderate everything else.
  15. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I eat pretty clean, but indulge now and then and I don't drink alcohol much. I'm a long distance runner, and started cross fit like three years ago. I like staying fit, I just feel better and it's interesting to challenge your body. The one thing I need to improve is my sleep, I go to bed too late, there's just not enough hours in the day!
  16. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Meat and veggies and cheese. I can do cheese, but I think I've gone lactose intolerant for everything else: milk, ice cream, half and half...it all makes me feel icky.

    But mostly I just eat meat--beef, chicken, fish, pork, whatever--and vegetables and get my carbs from alcohol :unsure:

    I like to run in the mornings as well as surf, swim, hike, etc. Less into traditional exercise and more into an active lifestyle.
  17. bluewatersurfer

    bluewatersurfer Members

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    I eat a very LEAN diet and I have a very high metabolism which helps
    nothing beats a good diet of healthy LOW SODIUM, LOW SUGAR foods
  18. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Old thread but I started a diet last week so I'll share since the thread was bumped

    I'm not doing it to lose weight, i'm doing it to lower inflammation and control my sugar cravings and snacking habits. I get bored at work and just sit there and eat junk all day, es no bueno

    It is sort of a keto type diet, low carbs and high healthy fat...but I say a sort of keto diet because I'm not being strict about it, I dont really care about going into ketosis and dont feel like being strict and counting my carbs down to the less than 50g required for ketosis. Today I've had more like 75 g of carbs because I didn't realize yogurt has so many carbs and I really wanted fried plantains, damnit.
    And I like fruit a LOT so a strict keto diet wouldn't vibe
    But I do think sugar and all the bread/pasta I ate constantly was contributing to these ridiculous aches I feel in my body almost constantly, and I think healthy fats are a great diet staple..so a sort of keto diet it is

    I didnt really get achy at all today so I think it is working.

    But I also wouldnt mind sitting down and eating a whole tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream right now
  19. Kerri

    Kerri Members

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    But I also wouldnt mind sitting down and eating a whole tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream right now[/QUOTE]

    Haha I can relate to that ;-)

    My husband and I are powerliftwrs and basically follow Renaissance Periodization nutritIon. We’ve both been happy with it in terms of maintaining strength and having good body compositions - and best of all there’s none of that paleo nonesense
  20. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    I d o AB crunches on a Wondercore Smart machine. I am now on my 4th machine as I tend to get around 12-16 months out of a machine. It works out cheaper than a gym membership. In normally do around 1000 AB crunches and 100 press ups in a session and I now have a 6 pack instead of a beer belly. Food wise I am a flexitarian and don't eat red meat and tend to eat healthily . I normally restrict it to around 2000 calories including snacking. It works for me as I originally lost 6 and a half stone (91 pounds) and my waist went from 40" to my current 31" . This took me around 6 years to achieve and I am probably now the fittest I have ever been .

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