What is your "What if..."

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by iamsol, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. iamsol

    iamsol Member

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    I was out recently with an ex and her friend and the friend looked at both of us and said maybe we are eachothers what ifs. She meant maybe we are still friends bc we wonder what would have happened if we stayed together, married, had kids etc.

    So the thread is do you have a "what if"? If yes what is it. It does not need to involve love or sex.
  2. BitterAsTheCud

    BitterAsTheCud Member

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    I certainly do. I dunno if it's worth saying 'what if' because it's just dwelling on something that won't happen. :(

    But I will share mine: I'm in love with a guy who is leaving the country. We have something special, and I keep wondering what if he wasn't going. Would it work out? Is he 'The One'?

    I also have silly what ifs, like about education or friends I chose to hang out with. Hmmm....
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, man. There are or can be literally millions of what-ifs in peoples lives. There're way too many for me to even start. OK-one. What if I hadn't been on the sidewalk behind the girl that I hooked up with in Hawaii and then because of her, moved to Oregon. What if she and I hadn't gone our separate ways and I hadn't met the mother of my children. One minute either way---bang--no Oregon--no kids by her. It's endless when you get into it.
  4. iamsol

    iamsol Member

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    I do agree that most people probably have many what ifs. What if i finished college? What if i married my ex? I think the interesting ones would be those that really would have impacted lives. A great example is moving to Oregon.
  5. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    All connected.
    *What if I'd had an abortion?
    *What if I had chased him for paternity?
    *What if I hadn't hired Cherie as babysitter?
    *What if I hadn't been open about my sexuality when I applied for my present job?

    As someone wise said, "If your auntie shaved she be your uncle."

    You can't really sit and ponder about decisions made/not made.
  6. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Yeah, but it's fun to ponder. It's better than counting sheep.

    I once fell asleep and woke up in an "alternate earth" scenario once and it was as real as I experience life now, certain aspects were constant but it was definitely one of those "outta body, psychic phenomena".

    But yeah, I've had those "what ifs" when it comes to asking one girl out who was my friend in middle school and in this case I got rejected, but I wonder if we would've remained friends had I just held my tongue.

    Another "what if", was if I had been one grade level above the one I was in during high school, would this girl I was seeing at the time have moved on, had we gone off to college at the same time instead of having a year's difference between her moving on in the real world of college and adulthood versus me having to stay in high school an extra year.
  7. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I think it's fascinating to get into. 1 minute. 1 second even, and your life and those around you can change "forever." And the shits of it is---you'll never know if each little decision was the right one or the wrong one. Mostly.

    A few, for what they're worth= What if I had kept acting and tried to make it as an actor. Had a direct connection to someone that worked on a TV show and he offered me a screen test. Refused. Wrong decision? Coulda' played professional B-ball. Gave it up. Wrong decision? Rather have smoked,drank and messed around. What if I hadn't told my friend to use a "granny gear" on his 57 chevy when we were going to drag race on a public highway, allowing the other car to get ahead and smash into the truck just before we did, killing two and making my friend a veg for life? See, It can go on and on and on. Life is a series of these things, almost every day.
  8. crazyinvt

    crazyinvt Member

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    There are thousands of what if's in a persons life.

    What if I had been able to run faster than her husband? Would he have just caught up with me at a later date and still kicked my ass? Or would he have just gone home and taken it out on his wife.

    An appropriate what if for my wife would be.

    What if she had not put out on that first date. Would she still have become an easy lay.
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    From what I remember, yes.

    Just joshin' 'ya.
  10. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    I try not to think about the "what ifs" I just try to embrace how great my life is because of how everything has worked out this far. Things aren't perfect but I try not to complain. There are definitely things I would love to experience that I'll probably never get to but its better to be happy with what you have than to worry about what you don't.

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