What Is Your Partner Like?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Irminsul, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I am often questioned if my girlfriend is like me in certain ways, but I am always like, no not really, we are really different people in reality.

    But it got me thinking that, well I have gotten to know some of you now over the years, nothing too personal and nothing much but just the persona displayed on online and if it is anything like your real self, what's your partner like?

    My partner is approaching 31 years of age and is a very interesting woman to try and get to know. She has cold eyes that pierce the soul and can look straight through you like an X-ray. I think most people would think of her maybe as even bitter, but she's just a straight down the line don't bullshit me kind of person. She'll make a judgement call on somebody very quickly and if she's not interested then that's just it. When she does open up to others though she's just as normal or queer as anyone else. She doesn't often keep a conversation rolling but she will listen a lot, she likes to laugh, she has a good sense of humor like me but that's kinda where our common ground ends.

    She reads a lot, but nothing I'm interested in.
    She listens to music a lot, but nothing I really listen to. She doesn't mind it, she comes to all my gigs and bangs her head around with me, but death metal isn't what she'll listen to at home. She likes the rock n roll, but she also likes female roles in a band and that's something totally against what I feel when listening to music. I don't much like female musicians.
    Her thoughts on political agendas and religion are far from mine. She is not abrupt like me, she'll take what you say into consideration where I won't, because fuck you that's why. No, she'll attempt at reasoning. She's very intelligent.

    Sometimes I wonder how we work or why we work, because so much of our personality is different, and although she isn't really into anything I am, she says that what I'm into makes me the great person that I am, so she's never questioned anything I enjoy. I really appreciate that, I just want to be who I am and I'm thankful to have her by my side to give me the opportunity.

    I think most people online look at me like I must some butch ass lesbian, and that if I'm the submissive one in the relationship then the miss must be like 10x as worse, but like me she's very feminine. Long dark hair, real long. She has the figure, the looks, she's gorgeous. :)

    This might be a bit scattered because it's taken a while to type down hehe. I forget what I'm even asking. I guess just like, what are they like? Anything like you? :D
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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Butch Ass Lesbian...????...The Thought Never Crossed My Mind......[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Oh perish the thought.
  4. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    Well, Irmi that was the most interesting, beautiful thing I've ever seen you post. :)

    lol...but really, it is. :D

    and all that being said...your lady sounds wonderful, and like someone I'd really get along with. It sounds like y'alls being together is a case of destiny, meant to be together kind of thing.

    My "partner" is/are 2 cats. They are as different as night and day, and I'm as serious as a heart attack. AND the rest about my partnerS, them being cats :) , I'm not going to bother your thread with.
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  5. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I've seen your pics, Irmi...

    Y'all gotta be one hot ass couple. :gorgeous: :gorgeous:

    Its late and I'm firecrackered up or I wouldn't be saying that, even tho' I would think it. :D

    I might be straight but I appreciate beauty in all forms. :)
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  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    N'aww, you're the best. :)

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  7. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    My boyfriend is not much like me on the surface but we share a lot of interests. We like alot of the same music, books and television, as well as similar opinions on a lot of things (not everything though).

    He is really really quiet, so alot of people think he doesn't like them at first, but he just doesn't see any point in talking unless he has something important to say. I can be very loud and talkative, which works out well. He is very smart and loves physics. He is obsessed with football and watches way too many games, but CFL not NFL. His favourite team is the Hamilton tiger cats.

    Sometimes he can be easily annoyed by people, and is fairly picky about who he becomes friends with. We met through a shared group of friends though and get along with our other friends as well. He is very impatient. Waiting in line more than a minute, or at a bus stop is nearly impossible for him. He is stubborn, but so am I. That can occasionally cause an issue, but it never lasts long.

    He is 25, has curly blond hair, blue eyes and is a bit taller than me at 5'11. He is hairy all over, which I like, and has a beard. He has a wee bit of a tummy, but is in decent shape.

    He is a cook and soon to be chef who currently manages the kitchen at a seafood restaurant. He has incredible work ethic and is a perfectionist in the kitchen. He loves Mexican and Spanish food and dreams of going there to learn more about cooking it someday.

    In his spare time he is a dj. I will leave you with one of his favourite songs to play right now:
    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qgRr0CLFhaw I loooove I am legion too!
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  8. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    Sounds like a very Opposites attract type relationship, where as it just works and for that, congrat for finding that person.

    Me, I am a single dad, no partner but my son and his cat, I say his because the cat loves him where as for me, I get used by him ( the cat) lol

    I chose to have an internal awakening so never put any time in a relationship, that is until am done reforming. You can't offer anything in a relationship unless you are truly happy as you, which I was not.
    Now I am currently at school getting ready to study Anthropology (a passion), so relationships may have to wait, for now + I am in no need to find a partner, I enjoy the freedom :D
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  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Lol Matte, he kinda sounds quite similar in ways to my partner yet quite similar in ways of myself. Especially the zero patience, I've been battling that issue for years now and I just lose my patience and temper quicker than anything at this stage. I flip out over simple things, like if I can see someone struggling to do something I'd find relatively easy, I just can't help but watch and then get angry. And my heart pumps and I can feel the stress and anxiety of it all. But yes, a long line will do that to me, I don't feel the most comfortable in large social environments as it is, but a line will make that worse because everyone just stares at you in a line. Like, they try work out what you're doing in the line. Do I even belong in the line? They don't look right, best just keep staring at her, bitches love being stared. >.>

    I am also quite quiet around a new crowd. I've said before and I'll again, I was bought up with the knowledge that if you walk into a conversation with random people and you babble on with your tongue, that's a sign of a bullshitter. So I wait on the outskirts mostly, listening and watching, general observation and then, and only when I feel comfortable with the people around me, will I speak my mind. One on one I'm fine with, just not a new group of strangers which we get a lot where I live. Good old tourist.
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  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    don't got one these days. always been happiest by myself anyway.

    had a couple of housemates before the sold the house, who were the best i'd ever had in my life.
    i don't really miss them though. i tend not to miss people very much.

    i like affection when it comes my way, but i can live without it easier then i can live without things that interest me and being distracted from them.

    had a wife for 13 years and 3days exactly. then she up and died on me at the age of 59. c.o.p.d.
    that was, five, six, years ago, whatever it was.

    i've had other parners before her too of course.
    i don't dislike people, but i really can't say as i miss having one.

    i'm guessing i've probably had fewer and less close then most people.
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  11. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    I am kinda like that in ways as well. I like the solitude but i also like interaction and instigating others thoughts. Not like "what has those krazy Kardashians been up to", but more like the discussions some of us ponder on this board. You find you can learn a lot just observing and getting others to talk then sit back and listen, learn and enjoy. When it comes to friends, I have had many but I can move on without thought and for no reason. Sometimes I just stop contacting and the next thing I know it has been 5 yrs. No bother to me. Most I treat like acquantances, in as much as you can like many not just one. Maybe it is boredom, the same partner or friend everyday, every weekend every year. Maybe for us that are cool in soitude, it is the ability to discover and learn from ourselves and many as opposed to one partner and 2 friends.
  12. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    What is this word "partner" of which you speak?
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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  14. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    So I kinda been thinking more on this and well, it's not correct that we don't have too many things in common, because of course we do. :) just when I think of what I have in common with people it's generally music related or something similar lol.
  15. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    When you described your partner irmin, the first thing I thought was she sounded a lot like mine in many ways.

    I'll add that he is very interested in politics and the environment. He recycles everything and hates making waste. He even asked everyone years ago to never give him a gift in wrapping paper. Cloth bags or newspaper only. I have a hard time sticking to that rule though, I love gift wrapping!
  16. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    if you are in a bond are you not in jail. I'm the most universally loved person i know, It's just an observation, don'r shop around, barely dated, been married three times have two daughters a
    son a two grandsons one latino two grandaughters 1afro. brother sex offender 20 years, brother deceased age 40 something cancer. sister masters in childhood education preschool owner
    sister nurse, brother pudgy amiable unassuming, brother emigrated to ottowa,, bvrother adopted out Sister alcoholic hooker/used to be exotic dancer/color hair stylist,(before noon,) earth mother sliding of the chair at dinner, don't you dare get next to that woman with a tatooneedle gun now no matter how consumate you could ever imagine it to be, and please pick her off the stairs on your way out, ahh just pullin your tail,,,a little. Dad, well duh, mommy dearest gaia, and a nail fungus. i married a waitress, a pretty impressive visciously mean alcoholic, dad why is mom sooo mean, it's not us it's the drinking it'll be alright. And my duckling bonded friend from a moment of probably three minutes when I was five years old Sharma married six times, once to my biological father, that was when 5. Life long astrologer, sixties radical, somethin to do with a few firecrackers her husband would loose here and there, fled to bc half a decade. decided she wasn't bad ass after all and become among the first few female shipyard welders lungs hurt after a while, licensed massage therapist/free lance extra. Extra Extra, Eris Hedonia one of the west coasts premere dominatrixs. I was never a client and am white bread, mostly. around here we meet again at a christmas party at her house and shes gives me hug and says remember me said sure do.She asked me to marry her about 4 moths later. She was running her business out of the house and taking care of her mother, frail, bedridden. Mother and daugther could be tense with each other from time to time. I was the chef at place in a perifferal town and we would wheel mom around the neighborhood at 300 am. Mom lasted about two months after we married and sharma and i were with her when she breathed last We began to operate a wellness center decided that city is not a place for wellness and began to pack up for forest retreat. Packing up on sept 11, sharma has massive heart attack, I was in the other room packing, and a guy was in measuring carpet and he came got me and sharma was slumped against the cabinet, I asked the carpet guy if he call it in and began cpr. She was in bad shape and within 2 min I felt her rise up like a cool breeze and passed right through me and on. I contiued cpr because the unit was yet another minute away. They got there did there thing and left and I looked at her and i felt nothing, what I saw was not anything close to what I knew. I looked but moment and never looked again. She hug around on the couch where they had laid her for around four hrs. or so. 'While I was doing all the honors of informing her sister. During those two consecutive weeks I must had 70 people, people Id never met say i heard about your wife and they all poured out these passionate stories of how sharma had helped or made life long impressions. It was like she never left but sweeter around the neighborhood for a while. at two weeks it was time to pick up ashes and that is when the heartache began long story not so long i started crashing and I took the mushroom and the veil went thin and I sobbed deep and talked full throttle and, there she was. I asked her is it the same for you as it is for me, she said more than you can imagine, I asked her do you walk with me, she said if I am invited. Strange she is in me but I have not once thought to invite her but for a i see you occasionally. I haven't felt the need. Those were the two public features of that event, public because they are words.I didn't know this till aug.5. our wedding aniversary What about more than you can imagine, we never leave here. that air around you and in you and the waters of life in you, are you, heres to irminsul
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  17. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My girl is a book reader! She reads constantly almost non stop sometimes. When I wake and see her she is reading. News, fiction, non fiction it doesn't matter she'll read it. Red wine and a book and you may not even know she is there. She's not really into politics or anything, I've never seen her very interested in any of that. I dunno, she's like... just like a whole branch of just about anything and everything lol. Where as I am more like I like this and that and if it's not this or that, I'm not interested.
  18. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    My wife is the person I can have a conversation with from 20 feet away in a crowded room without saying a word out loud.
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  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Good name for a death metal band
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    PS: Irms, the netball world cup is on at the moment

    12 girls on court, only two of them enjoy penis
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