I'm genuinely curious. I've always been a picky eater but I'm trying to give fruit a chance in an attempt to curb a sugar "addiction" to healthier sugars instead of junk food sweets. I honestly never even tried a grape until about 7 months ago, but grapes are definitely my favorite fruit that's available year round. I love apples, too, but I hate getting mealy ones so I don't get them very often. During the fall, my favorite fruit is pomegranates, though, but unfortunately that's the only time they are available around here.
Let's see. I love berries.... especially fresh, local berries. Had some delicious strawberries today from right down the road. They were so good and I wanna take Case picking strawberries very soon before they go out of season. I also like other berries (blueberries and blackberries but I like raspberries too).. In the summer, when they are fresh/local I like peaches. Kiwis are very good sometimes.
Watermelon, banana, plums, pineapple, pink grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges, apples .. in that order.
inb4 someone says glen. actual answer, hard to pick just one. strawberries, black raspberries and peaches probably would be high up in the running. fresh, obviously; freshness is more important in fruit than any other food that i can think of.
Yep, if it's fresh, local, in season it's gonna be good pretty much. Oh and yea, I forgot grapefruit. I love grapefruit too.
i can't pick a favorite. but FUCK, MY BAD....i shouldn't have mentioned blueberries. i guess i didn't read very carefully. to avoid "mealy" apples, only buy them in the fall or early winter. if you get 'em in the summer, they're old. the best fruit i've ever tasted is an orange on lsd
In order- You sure? And I actually never ate an actual orange on lsd... but I imagine it is quite intense and wonder why I never did, being that we would always make sure we had orange juice (intense enough, but the orange would prolly taste better.)
I'm with you on the mealy apples. Usually I get the red delicious apples and keep them in the fridge. Those usually stay fresh and crisp the longest. Favorite fruit is hard. I love most fruits....but my taste varies depending on their state. I love almost every fruit in smoothies, probably my top favorites are blackberries, strawberries, and bananas. As far as by themselves go my favorites are pineapple, cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, apples, and bananas. However, I am extremely picky about bananas. If they have more than a few black spots I won't eat them...the squishy texture is weird for me. Much like a mealy apple.
BBAD and I mentioned antioxidants .. er, blueberries .. but the no one you're talking about is me. And the two who mentioned blueberries are listed out of order. oliceman: p.s. the plural of fruit is fruit.