That is a wonderful temperature. I feel quite comfortable at that level. It is just 24 degrees inside here now.
Ahh, yes, that is a nice one. Cool enough to relax. When it's just too warm I fall asleep too easily and have no energy.
Well its only about 12 outside these days so its cool when we go out, but if I build a fire it gets so damn hot inside we need to take a break outside every hour or so lol. Well I will open the bedroom window and then build a fire in the evening. That way its warm when we get up in the morning. Ok so When Can we go back to Hawaii..? so much less complicated.!
....... I have an Oregon unit which has a lovely display of both the inside temperature of our home and the outside. It also gives displays of sun and cloud for a forecast, and I have had it for years. At the moment it is telling me that the inside temperature in our living room is 23c and the outside temperature is 11c. I am absolutely better off inside!
That is ideal, but I prefer it a few degrees cooler when I am doing any physical work. We also never heat the house at night, it is far more heathy, not to mention saving some money.
Not sure .. but I was just thinking I'm freezing and it's about time I put the heat on .. just looked at accuweather .. it shows it is 36 degrees outside .. no wonder I'm so cold .. lol
18 is ideal yes but 13 was too cold for me to fall into sleep. My indoor temp was 13 degrees last night with the windows open and I also felt the cool wind touching my face from out the window. I was unable to fall into sleep in that condition. So I did shot the windows later.
I bet that you have confused a few people, not realising that 36 degrees Fahrenheit is 2 degrees Centigrade.
Here in the UK, our night temperature at the moment is between 4 and 7 degrees at the moment. We just use a lot more quilts than you and now the nights are colder, our cat creeps into our bed and we all stay warmer. Heating the house at night causes a rise in humidity and helps to spread colds and flue viruses.
LOL! .. Yes .. that must have been most confusing! .. I take it that it's mostly European folks here?
I don’t think so Smart Blond. I think the majority of members on HIP are American/Canadian? But not really sure myself. Indoor temperature right now is 23c
We are from all over the world, but strangely enough I rarely hear people mentioning Fahrenheit temperatures. Although we are metric in the UK. most people still use feet and inches. The imperial scales are so much easier, since dividing by 3 does nor result in a recurring decimal. Perhaps the strangest thing is that although we claim to be metric, measurements are mostly expressed in in multiples of 0.3 of a meter. (Kitchen appliances are 600'mm) You will find the same in most of western Europe, but most people never give it a second thought.