P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Dear Rainbow Family! I am a student from Austria and I am writing about the Rainbow Family as part of my bachelor thesis. I have been to many Rainbow Gatherings and have always found so much love and strength there, from the beautiful people all over the world. Now I would like to write about you, about us, about the identity of the Rainbow Family. I have made a short questionnaire, with open questions, and would be utterly grateful if you want to help me by answering them. Everything is anonymous! And please only fill it out if you see yourself as part of the Rainbow Family! Thank you, Family! Sending you my love! Anna-Sophie https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2ZGQGH
i think you miss the point entirely. everybody and nobody is a rainbow.... everybody and nobody represents rainbow families, so it would be silly for anyone to attempt to answer questions as to how to define it.
Oh yay.someone posting from Austria asking about hippies and native peoples. Honey, we are not your lab rats. Do your own damn homework, if you have truly been to "many" rainbow gatherings.
At drumminmama: Your response is for me quite aggressive, using violent words to describe how you feel and hurting me with your harsh words. I respect your opinion, but would appreciate it if you could pick your words more carefully and write in a more peaceful, non-violent matter. To what you said, I dont want to be in the position of writing about the rainbow family, but would rather want them to speak themselves. The rainbow family is so diverse, that any attempt to generalize is difficult and not possible, which is why i need personal opinions. and to the Poetsappho: Your answer is your opinion and it answers the question. For some, the rainbow family is an idea, it doesnt really exist, for others its people who go to rainbow gatherings, or who believe in this or that.
I'm philosophically opposed to the use of survey sites. Data collection is big business these days, and there is every reason to think that a commercial survey site would sell personal information as part of its business model. That doesn't mean that your intentions are bad. Couldn't you ask the same questions here on the thread, and people could answer them if they choose?
i filled out that survey , and thought the questions interesting and of appropriate interest for an Austrian student .
TO e7m8: Thats a good point, i actually did not think about that. I would have a problem if the internet site shared the information and i actually dont know if they do or dont. Writing the questions in the thread would be a lot more work for me, especially since i have posted in a lot of forums. Its easier to have it centralized. but yea, you are right and next time i will be more careful. thank you
i checked the privacy policy and it says: SurveyMonkey doesn't sell or share your survey responses with third party advertisers or marketers (although the survey creator might, so check with them). SurveyMonkey merely acts as a custodian on behalf of the survey creator who controls your data. And me, as being the survey creator, will definatly not spread the information, except in my paper, which is for academic purposes only. But in retrospect, i should have said that somewhere....
Lol. Violence. I told you to do your own homework. That is violence? Now, stereotypes of native peoples..that is harmful.
I clicked, I was excited to respond to your survey, however, all I get is the main page, not a questionare, please send me the ,correct link, thanks