What Is The Proper Amount Of Creepy?

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Doctor Dave, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    Sometimes, a girl will say "why are you so creepy?", with a little flirtatious wink and a light voice, like it's a good thing...

    Other times, they will say "eww you're creepy," with a look of disgust on their face.

    What's the difference?
  2. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I am a female who has never flirtatiously asked anyone "why are you so creepy?"----- nor have I ever heard another female say that statement in that manner.

    However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the answer to your question. Obviously the flirtatious and playful one is because the girl is not serious- but instead saying this in a teasing manner-- for example, if the girl likes the attention of someone but when he calls her back for the third time that night she might say something like that just joking around/teasing him. Personally I've never said it but it's not hard to image the possible types of context.

    And yea, a look of disgust and saying "ew, you're creepy" is just that.... someone being creepy and disgusting someone. Pretty straightforward.

    I know what you may be getting at---- that the difference may have to do with whether the attention is wanted or unwanted by the female. I think sometimes it would just have to do with the behavior (some behaviors are just PLAIN CREEPY!) and sometimes whether or not any attention was wanted, I'm sure would play a part in whether something is seen as truly creepy or just playful, fun creepy.
  3. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Maybe the girls who say it teasingly are less assertive and/or nicer in general and want to let you know you're being creepy without hurting your feelings , while other girls dont give a fuck and just say it straight up

    just a guess...personally I've never heard the word creepy applied like its a good thing
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If you aren't creepy you're probably boring.
  5. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    So how, if I'm a male, do I be sexual without being creepy? Because I just read about 100 posts of women describing how they like oral sex done to them. So I guess it just depends if they want it from you or not, but what character traits could I have that would make them want it from me, and not just be some "creepy guy." Sigmund Freud says everyone has a libido, but how do I project my libido in a way that is healthy and not creepy.

    Other guys seem to talk about sex all day long and it doesn't come across as creepy, but I feel like when I say it, it is.

    What is the difference between being sexual and being creepy? How do I be the good kind?

    Back in 2008-2009, I did about 1000 hits of acid, and ever since then, I've been described as creepy. I don't know what to do. Maybe I was always like that, or maybe it was all the drugs. I'm not SUPER creepy, and I can hold a conversation and all.... I just don't know what to do... how can I be sexual and not be creepy. I like sex, just like a lot of people, but why does it seem like it's bad (creepy) when I talk about it?
  6. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I had a boyfriend like you. He accidentally did a humongous amount of acid once. He always tried to hard when he talked to people and he was over-sexed like a fucking french poodle.
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  7. What the fuck. Try a new routine. If two women called you creepy.... PERIOD. THATS IT. YOU ARE CREEPY. Try something completely different. Get some threads and get a whiskey and coke. Then give a head nod and grin. If she's down shell give you a shy grin or playful grin back. Then buy her a goddamn drink. If you can't buy the bitch a drink then go home and masturbate.
  8. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    What kind of bimbo are you wanting to pick up?
  9. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    2% seems to work
  10. skip

    skip Visitor

    I think there's a diff between acting creepy and being a creep.
  11. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    So how come I can read a post where 100s of women go into great detail about how they like their pussy eaten, but then when I say, "I want to eat your pussy," all of a sudden I'm a creep.

    I'm so consumed by sexual thoughts that I am considering moving to Brazil to be around Brazilian women all day because they are sexy, and then spend all day on fling.com messaging all the women in Brazil, so I can live my life like one big Brazilian woman orgy. lol. I don't even speak Portuguese. lol.
  12. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    I had to speak Portuguese for my last job. I only spoke Spanish. I knew muito obrigado was many thanks, and I learned the rest of my (stunted, minuscule) vocabulary by listening and responding in a broken mix of Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Somehow, I got by. I do not miss selling electronics in three languages. At all.

    Unknown men can be dangerous to women. So, act with that in mind, always. I may write a post about exactly how I like to be eaten (and I have, here), but it doesn't mean it is an invitation to a stranger. It is a description of an intimate act, as I like it performed by someone I trust. Not some creepy anonymous guy with his dick in his hand. While I like men who are very sexual, I fully expect that it is understood that a personal invitation is required.

    Less creepy? "What a sexy description. I hope there's someone lucky enough to make sure you always get what you want." Maybe she engages you, and if not, you know she isn't interested. Introduce yourself to women, and do it without an agenda, but know that only women you get to know at least on a minimal level will ever be interested in getting down with you.

    In other words, "come correct or don't come at all".
  13. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    op-''I want to eat your pussy'' is not something you say at the museum....or the library....or the grocery store...that would be creepy

    ''I want to eat your pussy'' is something you say in the heat of the moment when there is no doubt that you are in a serious make out session..

    obviously some dudes have gotten away with ''I want to eat your pussy'' in bars and night clubs

    but for the most part...NO

    you do not want to eat a pussy you have just met anyways......she could be carrying a cha cha full of some other dudes spunk...or worse...std........get t o know her first my brother

    you will do much better if you concentrate on your social skills in order to meet a young lady with a clean whistle

    tons of books available on social skills.....stop reading fake posts about cunningulus and start reading books on how to be more social

    start with ''how to win friends and influence people'' by dale Carnegie...its a staple among salesmen that have to be friendly,social......and normal
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  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    dude how can you type this and not know the answer to your question. You can't tell strange women this. You can't even go around saying this to acquaintances or friends. You need to know a girl is sexually attracted to you before you start speaking sex with her. Preferably you should at least make out with a girl before you tell her what you want to do to her.
  15. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    I'm talking about sites like fling.com where it's hookup sites. I'm not talking about at Starbucks lol.
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    oh, well that makes more sense.
  17. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    Haha yea I should have clarified that. That would be funny if I just walked around saying that.
  18. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Haha... this thread is funny. I was gonna say...because many years ago when I had to take 3 different buses to my college classes, I was waiting in the snow for one of the buses and this guy came up to me and said "I wanna eat your pussy"--- exactly like that. Just...came out and said it. He was some short black dude wearing a winnie the pooh sweat shirt. I SHOULD have said something back to him... like fuck no or get the fuck away from me jerk.. but honestly it was just SO CREEPY that I didn't say anything- just walked off a bit down the street from him to wait for the bus elsewhere.

    Kept seeing that guy round the same place at the same time all the time after that.

    I really don't think that dude was all there in the head.

    In any case, point is- I'm glad to hear you at least weren't talking about doing something like THAT.
  19. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    It doesn't matter! They are still women, still human beings who want to be treated well. THIS stuff is why I thouht you were in high school, and why no kne believes you turned down 500 women. THIS stuff is basic, and you don't even know it!
  20. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I wanna see the movie where you say to some super hot brazilian chick: "I want to eat your pussy".

    And then her six brothers roll up on you and fuck you up.

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