I have gone 2 times in my life, around 120 hours each time. First a friend and I decided to see how long we could stay up. Second was a 5 day greyhound trip to arcata. Navy Seal trianing is intense and they say if ou stay awake more than 120 hours you can die. So how long have you gone without sleep? I always end up in the funny farm after 120 hours without sleep, each time.
Four days without sleep in the Army. We were all pretty delusional at that point, running on caffeine and sugar. We were ripping MRE's open just to suck on the coffee grounds. Wasn't fun. Typically we'd get 2-3 hours every 24 hours on maneuvers. Even just an hour here and there made a big difference. The longest I worked that schedule was 8 weeks. As a civilian I worked 52 hours straight a couple of years ago and finished a 29 hour shift Friday afternoon. Not scheduled, just happens if something goes really wrong and nobody leaves till it's fixed. It wipes me out.
I can remember being on day 8 once, that's the most I can remember where I actually kept track of the days. that many days awake is kinda hellish experience.
for me its 3 and a half days roughly 80 hours, for anyone who has stayed up longer than that, did you start to hallucinate??
Damn, you guys are BEASTS. :yikes: The longest I've stayed for was around 26 hours.... it was because I messed up my normal sleeping hours during summer break and I had to stay up until it was the usual hour to go to bed. Hah that was fun. :toilet:
Three and a half. Sometimes I choose to do it because it's fun, and quite often I simply forget that it is night and time to go to sleep, but the first time was after a break up during withdrawal from Prednisone and possibly Soriatane. I was a wreak, so staying up to watch the sky was great
I love watching the sun coming up after a whole night alone on acid. I wonder if I will do that again
The last 2 times i stayed up all night, was on dm and a high dosage edible, lots of stress and ended up with some sort of psychosis and both times i ended up handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser and a overnight stay at the county mental hospital.