The record is 115.7 My highest that i know of was about 105 as a kid, 103.5 as an adult Convert to Celsius as needed
As an adult, I remember mine being 104F with pneumonia. It was making me kind of delirious. Hubby's was 106.5F when he was a teenager. The hospital packed him in ice for 7 1/2 hours.
103F when I had flu at Christmas several years ago. Wasn't fun, but I don't remember being delirious. It didn't stop me smoking either, even though it made me feel worse.
Wait... you're supposed to go to the hospital? :yikes: Actually after hearing that I'm kinda glad I didn't. All I really remember was a dream I had... I wasn't me, but this wacky guy I met a while back who acts half schizophrenic to begin with, only there were a thousand versions of him-who was actually me- spread out all throughout history, and I/we were all connected under one conscious mind instead of being individual instances and my dream state skipping back and forth. Like time was all happening at once, for me/us, and I was conscious of all the different instances and what we/I was doing. It still boggles my mind to think about it - I can't actually grasp the situation now even though I'm trying to explain it. Weird
106. Talked to people that weren't there, even asking live people around me why they couldn't see them. Another time with a high temp--EVERYTHING was covered in crawling ants, including myself.
that I can remember - 103 when I had the flu a few years ago. That's really the only time I can remember my temperature going above 100. I had a pretty severe kidney infection when I was 3 and had to be hospitalized so I probably had a pretty high fever then but I would have to ask my mom.
Hubby got a "gift" when he had that 106.5F fever. He woke up and told his parents that he wanted to play drums. He was 14 and had never been around drums. He started playing and he is a good drummer. He even instructed a high school drum line a few years later. He was in marching band at school; he played with Spirit Of Atlanta Drum Corp. He played kit with several bands, too. Besides that, it was the middle of Summer when he had the fever but he kept asking people if they could see the angels playing in the snow outside the hospital window.
i don't know how high my temperature has been, but my bp has been up around 180/80. its even hit 200 a couple of times. medication and paying attention to what i eat generally brings it down to within reason. i get enough vitamin c i usually don't have much problem with fevers. i simply haven't had occasion to take my temperature for decades.
105 ish once when I was sick. I jogged that day with it. I remember, cuz after I got ome from jogging the 5 miles....i felt so sick and burning up and took my temperature, and could not believe what the thermometer reported back to me.
Ha! May I derail the thread just a bit? DVE was previously KQV-FM. Changed to WDVE in '71 in recognition of the Woodstock DoVE.