I think climate-change denial is a relatively new thing. I know it was George Bush 1 who signed the statute outlawing Freon and other fluorocarbons harmful to the atmosphere. Anyways, the evidence is there for anyone who wishes to read it. But I just have one question about climate-change deniers: What on earth is their true motive? I know they have to live on this planet too. They don't want their rich donors to pay one cent more than they have to. But even rich people have to live on this earth. What is their true motive behind this silly denial? And is there really any motive? Are they just being silly, and not even realizing it?
most of the are probably just being silly, i think some of them even do realize it they just don't care. some people take pride in their ignorance.
Blind conservatism is one reason. For the rich, I think it's question of cash in the hand now and fuck the future. There is an assumption that their money will somehow save them or protect them from the impact of climate change.
There are a lot of vested interests that would take a big financial hit, there are those that are ideologically opposed to the things that would be needed (some type of global social and environmental governance, regulation and control) who seem to think the ‘free market’ will pull a white rabbit out of the hat at the eleventh hour. And then there are the completely wacky who think it’s all a conspiracy set up by communist or Jews or seven foot lizards to take over the world and makes us all eat tofu.
Last I heard there isno money in caring about the environment or other species on the planet.... If they learn how to make a business out of it, then maybe they will care enough .....but that would be only caring about their wallets.
I don't think it is a denial to Climate change as it is a denial to GLOBAL WARMING. We all know the Climate is changing and that is a natural occurrence but the Earth is not warming to the extent that Kyoto and others have us believe. We need to look no further than the Sun for our advanced rate of change. A good, short (36 min) video on the difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c4XPVPJwBY&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcqdt3LK6d66tMreI4gqIC- I have been following these guys for a while now and they are very informative and lay their case out very well without corporate backers and 7 ft tall lizard people lol, You must mean David Icke lol. He is very adamant on those Lizard people but he is also very informative in other areas of conspiracy. FYI: The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty, which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that (a) global warming exists and (b) man-made CO2emissions have caused it.
That is why the Rain Forests in the Amazon, Africa and SE Asia are being mowed down to make way for Palm Plantations. More money in that then an endless abundance of FREE Oxygen from untouched wooded areas and Orangutans and the millions of animals that go extinct for the "benefit" of Humans. http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/07/25/205486197/palm-oil-in-the-food-supply-what-you-should-know http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/24/science/looking-at-oil-palms-genome-for-keys-to-productivity.html?src=recg&_r=0 We go on about Slavery of the Men and Women in the early 19 and 20th century's but it still occurs today from Rich Countries against poorer Countries and not for the poorer Countries benefit. Selfish Greed and agendas
Man is only F'ing himself in the long run. I read that all cures for everything can be found from plants and trees in the rain forests....There are answers there....but instead, man wants to cut them all away, unfortuneatley.
^ And we,man, wonder why we have record Tornado's, Hurricanes or Tropical Storms, Floods, Earthquakes, Blizzards and Drought. Mother Nature is pissed and we are just adding to her fury by putting our Arrogant hand up in her face. She doesn't want to talk to our hand, she'll just create a Tsunami and wipe out a few hundred thousand or so, overpopulation solved, Natural Genocide without Judgment. HA and we think we understand.
it basically boils down to not wanting to make sacrifices or give up your way of life. You can see this from the top to the bottom, from the super rich funding all this shit to the wage slaves working in coal mines or oil fields who are worried about losing their jobs if we moved to cleaner energy.
Very true, but I don't understand why those at the top can't switch gears and invest in cleaner forms of energy and energy usage. (and doing that the right way) Those at the "bottom" would in turn be working different jobs in a clean energy situation. I'm still gonna be pointing my finger at the top 1% as the cause, and they refuse to change which is just harm everybody, themselves included. I swear these guys must be total idiots.
I agree and the only explanation I can come up with is the current 1% are too afraid to take risks or invest large amounts of money into a relatively new sector. Maybe we'll see some progress when the next generation starts making money.
IMO it is the way of life that scares most. Here in Western Australia Mining is huge business with roughly 100,000 employed and 80 bil in profits. Where as the Java Sulpher miners or African Diamond drillers or West Virginia coal miners don't really have a way of life to loose, they have life TO loose. The pay is weak and health is at risk, daily. Most Australians live on the coast. We have a basically empty land between Perth and Sydney. There is an abundant of Sun and Wind yet we do not utilize either one. Although a firm in South Australia has come up with an Idea to utilize the filter ponds on mine sites to include floating solar panels on these man made Lakes http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-05/australian-first-floating-solar-farm-for-sa/6281374 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-29/solar-power-plant-at-jamestown-wastewater-site/6431872
Yes, but our human arrogance allows us to believe we can control her. And we all know man cannot control females nor understand them lol
lol.......nothing to control here...just talking to friends on the net today is all....and making an idiot of myself as usual...not even knowing what day it is here.... I am behaving in all other ways, though.....
Climate-change is a huge buisness! I've read a ton about this and my 2 cents on this topic is basicly that climate has always been changing. Toxics and pollution are obviously an issue. It is not as black and white as some of you seem to believe. Also you seem very arrogant/hostile when you call everyone with an opposing view silly etc. Looking forward to re-considering my views (again) Peace, Average Joe