What is the best way to reproduce tomatoes?

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by pattymary, May 13, 2020.

  1. pattymary

    pattymary Member

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    I am trying to sprout tomatoes by throwing directly the fresh seeds in some cups , but without too much results.
    I heard that you have to spread the seeds on a paper and make them dry before sowing them, maybe this is a better method..Does somebody knows more about that?
    Maybe I water them too much, but it is very hot since 4 weeks..
  2. Dax

    Dax Members

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    I squeeze an over ripe tomatoe over a plant pot of soil and they "reproduce" like hell.
  3. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Spreading the seeds on paper is conventional wisdom. If you are in doubt about watering, I suggest buying a moisture probe. Water at night not during the day if it is hot.
    Nudegardner and pattymary like this.
  4. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    feel the weight of the cup, if it's really light, there isn't much water in the soil
    pattymary likes this.
  5. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Use a 3D printer ??? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
    Oddduck, Nudegardner and pattymary like this.
  6. Bicaptain My Captain

    Bicaptain My Captain Members

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    And grow plastic tomatoes. Might as well buy them at the grocery.
    Oddduck, pattymary and wilsjane like this.
  7. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Your comment is priceless, I don't know about the tomatoes though. :yum:
  8. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    when you put seeds in a cup they have to be kept moist. just the top layer of soil. when you see the sprout, keep it mist, then when it gets about 2 in tall water the cup till water comes out the bottom. then don't water so much, the roots will go after the water. as the seedling grows roots will find their way to the bottom of the cup. then it's time to transplant else the roots will just go round n round the bottom of the cup. you have to find the right time to start your seeds, so by the time they start to outgrow the container, you can plant them in your garden
    pattymary likes this.
  9. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Try putting seed in water allow to ferment 4-5 days. recover seeds that sink to bottom. Rinse seeds several times, let seeds dry good.
    pattymary likes this.
  10. pattymary

    pattymary Member

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    Thank you everybody for your answers.I found out on the net that the seeds are hold by a liquid that is stopping them to sprout in the tomato, therefore this liquid has to be neutralised, this must be the king of jelly we can see around them..so it is better to make them fermentating in that jelly 2 or 3 days, then rinse them and dry them on some paper before planting them.
    Maybe it is depending of the variety , I noticed some wild tomatoes are sprouting better..I am growing only heirloom tomatoes, by the way, maybe the hybrid seeds grow differently..
  11. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Starting our own seeds or sometimes seed packets, we are lucky to save 50% of our plants. I am sure it is from not having a good grow light. Is that a low percent for other gardeners too. I still like nursing seedlings in cold winter months. Gives me something to do on cold winter days.
  12. pattymary

    pattymary Member

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    I think seeds are very irregular, not all of them grow the same, just like humans are very different .For example I grow regurlarly a kind of amaranth called callaloo, this plant produces thousands of seeds, but out of that you will have only hundreds that grow successfully.
    The success of sowing is also linked to cosmic influences, there is a biodynamic calendar that is telling the better day to deal with categories of plants regarding to the movements of the planets.Some studies have been made by Maria Thun about that and the anthroposophists..I am using this calendar regularly.
    In the winter , there are a lot of winter cabbages that may grow quite good..
    Starting our own seeds is a must and is becoming more and more necessary, I multiply a lot of beans and always save a part, this is a smart wisdom if you want to depend less and less of the system and to reach food security.
    The sunlight is important, but also the water, right now there is a drought, 4 weeks without rain, I have to water everything everyday, otherwise nothing will thrive..We are facing now regular drought, I am thinking about installing a system to gather lots of rain water in the rainy season to store for the rest of the year.
    The quality of the dirt is important too, but that depends of what you grow, beans will grow in any dirt, for example.I have been covering lots of my fences with beans without a problem .Almost of the beans are growing, probably 90 per cent of them. DSC03950.JPG
  13. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Right now we are getting too much rain, and rain in the forecast for next 4 days. Has done this last 3 years, and then turns dry. Hope it doesn't do that this year. But if it does I plan to water, even though we only have public water source.
    pattymary likes this.
  14. pattymary

    pattymary Member

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    Here in Jamaica we did not have any rain since 4 weeks, everyday I have to go water everything, but I can go for free water in my district , there are a couple of springs available to all..Normally, in May we always have some springtime rain, but this year, that is a very strange year , it did not happen.
    Here are some picture of the callaloo, this amaranth with the numerous seeds, the leafes are eaten like any vegetable, after cutting them.It is very easy to grow . DSC03969.JPG DSC03968.JPG DSC03969.JPG DSC03968.JPG DSC03968.JPG into small pieces DSC03969.JPG
    Oddduck likes this.

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