well, what do you think it means exactly to be human? Has this changed since antiquity? Where do you think it is going?
i think it can mean anything at all...but to me right now it means that i am linked to all kinds of people and am able to create my own reality and evolve mentally
I think it means accepting that the universe doesn't revolve around me, that I am only a part of something much greater. Means participating in the on-going creation of the world, using that which has been gifted me; means reaching out to those around me, experiencing, sharing, learning everything I can. It can mean anything, it means everything. We each define the meaning of our existence.
read interval_illusion's posts from today. i think they show both sides of what it is to be human, the ugly, and the heroic.
we are entering an accellerated place on the evolutionary curve. we are becoming a planetary society gradually. how long until it is homogeonised to the point that we have one common language - one common dictionary?! will it happen? what is happening, and clearly so, is that people are awakening from the limitations of the five sensory model of awareness imposed upon us by our "education." people are becoming multi-sensory (six, or more, senses active) beings. if we become conscious enough as a race we will find a common language, but one without a governmental control. Namaste'
only the desire to express ourselves creatively has led to our appearing to distinguish ourselves from the other life forms with which we shaire our planet and propelled us up, down and sideways the long, twisty and somewhat random road from ancestoral cellular and amino acid begginings. a road no longer then a handclap in the centuries of the history of other life forms and that no more then a flicker of the rocks and earth of the world itself. there is nothing the poets or priests call human that is unique to our species. neither soul nor feeling. only our desire to express ourselves. give some creature a pencil or a keyboard and the might chew on it but they'll certainly look at you funny and wonder what the heck you have in mind but any creature more developed then an insect will hear and quite likely understand the feelings expressed in your voice, movements and positions as perfectly well as you or i. nor is any creature born into this world knowing how to get by in it but must learn from its parents, elders and peers, what works for them and doesn't. just like you and i. it is almost a certain knowledge that we have some sentient intrinsicness byond the artifact of our mental proccessess. but there is no such compelling evidence for any other creature to not possess something of the sort as well. only our desire to express ourselves creatively makes us unique. and to repress and deny our immaginations is to repress and deny what humanness we have, and make us no different then any other creature. =^^= .../\...
To be human means to want to grow, to learn, to better ourselves. Oh, and if you're a male, to marry the girl with the biggest tits possible.