What Is Good Exercise For A Beginner?

Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by abarambling, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    So, it's only Wednesday and I have had the week from hell, but it has put some things into perspective. In other words, I give up, lol. Monday, I had an accident. Tuesday, I was sleeping pretty much all day. And today, I went to physical therapy, and then to a regular checkup. According to my doctor, my pulse is very high, like I'm in panic, or I'm running a lot. Also, my weight is back down to 93 pounds, but I have a small gut becuase the little bit of food I do eat refuses to go down. So, I give up, I'm going to exercise.

    Here is the thing, I haven't done any exercise since high school, ROTC, and you know, gym? So, I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Should I...
    A. Get a special trainer?
    B. Enroll in yoga or do yoga at home. I used to do that very little in college?
    C. Just ride my bike more, and walk more. There is a park near me?

    Keep in mind, I'm still not my emotional and physical best. Things have really declined for me since two year ago. I was a lot more lively, I guess. Like I said, I'm a beginner. And I'm going to physical therapy, which if anyone has ever done physical therapy you would know it's a lot.

    If really not being at home all the time, sitting on my ass... will help... fine I'll try it. Why the fuck not? Lol. But, right now... I'm going to sleep. Because I'm having trouble breathing. I really do feel like I have been running.

    Much love and kindness.
    Be bad and dirty with yourself.
    I'll see you when I see you.
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I suggest doing some jogging/running for stress. Lift light weights at the gym. You dont need a personal trainer, you can find everything you need online or from other gym goers
  3. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Thanks, Stonie.
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I think yiu have the right idea with yoga, walking, riding your bike. Find activities you enjoy instead of just exercise for the sake of exercise. If you have fun doing it youre more likely to stick with it
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  6. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I agree. I can't just randomly get a gym membership, and start working out. But, if someone else tells me what to do (I know that sounds bad, but you know what I mean), or I do an activity from a certain time to certain time, on certain days... I'll be better off. Like right now, I'm sitting on my fat ass typing on here. But, say... if I had to meet a personal trainer within the hour I wouldn't be on here. I would be getting ready to go there. Or I walk, bike, do yoga an hour everyday from 2 - 3PM, that works too. Things like that, structure, you know?

    Starting tomorrow. If you see me on here, I miserably failed, and you have all the right to put me on blast. Really, I don't think I can be on here and exercise. I get very unproductive both emotionally and physically being on here. I think I need to plan things. 30 minutes to an hour doing a certain thing, and then moving on to the next thing. I'm done centering myself with negative people and things, and then me being negative as a result. This week was the week of all hell. So, I need to make changes. STRUCTURED CHANGES. I don't want to randomly make changes, and fail. Or make a lot of changes, and fail. Just one change at a time. Tomorrow, I'm going to take a walk, maybe my bike. I don't know, be outside.
  7. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Oh, I totally forgot about swimming. Dude, thanks. I don't know how to swim. But, I read you can do water fitness, without knowing how to swim. But, I should probably learn how to swim.
  8. Rivehn

    Rivehn Member

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    Always be willing to learn. I would highly reccommend a personal trainer. I am one myself and the best thing i ever did was get a person trainer for myself so i could have another persons view. Know one can ever say they know enough about fitness, it'salways changing. As to what to do until you have a trainer. Research about dynamic and static stretching( knowing the difference can make a pretty big difference. Stick to full body workouts don't make it to complicated for your self. If your looking to build muscle stick to 8-12 reps. So much to learn! but its fun to see how amazing the body can truly be when really focused on.
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  9. InkdWolf

    InkdWolf Members

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    I havent read other responses but get yourself some sex! Fnck that that sh!t it's the best way to lose Weight. hahah☺
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  10. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I'm never having sex again. I recently had a bad experience with sex. So, fuck no. I am done with that shit. Also, I'm not trying to lose weight. However, I thought about whether or not you can lose weight during sex. Like just today, I had a random thought about it. For example, what if you don't break a sweat while you're having sex, do you still lose weight? That was my fleeting thought for today in regards to sex. I also thought whether or not you can lose weight during physical therapy, if you don't break a sweat. From what I learned you have to break a sweat to lose weight, becuase you're losing pounds in water. That is why hot yoga, or whatever is good. But, I don't know. I'm not educated in all this stuff.
  11. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    You sound like my physical therapist. He is a really good guy. Work at your pace, your body will tell you what it needs, wants, and can handle. That's what he tells me. Well, in so many words. Lol. Anyways, thanks, so much.

    I really hope I don't fail. Today I'm wrapping things up, and tomorrow I will try this all out. If I fail, you all can yell at me until I cry. I have cried on here. So, you people can get me going. Lol. I'm actually really excited. I guess this is how people who exercise feel.

    If excerise really helps me, both physically and emotionally... I'm going to cry again, I guess. Lol. I'm so sensitive. I'm sorry.
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  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You loose weight when you burn more energy then you consume...period.

    You weight 93 pounds, what is your height and body type? Is 93 pounds a reasonable weight for your body type? Check your body fat index. There are calipers that allow you to measure your fat or use this online deal. While body fat doesn't give you a good indication of overall health it will tell you if you have enough needed fat, as we all need some fat for certain bodily functions. If you only weigh 93 pounds you may be lacking body fat, unless you are a short petite person.

    Start with walking. Twenty minutes a day for a week, try to do it at the same time each day to develop a habit or routine. Then add five minutes each week.
    Once you get comfortable walking you can increase your pace or distance. Walking is low impact, much easier on the knees then running and has about the same effect health wise.

    You can always walk somewhere, outside, inside or even walk in place.

    Bicycling is also very good.
    You don't say why you are in rehab or why you are having trouble breathing.....check with your rehab people and get their advice, they should have a pretty good idea what you can handle at this stage.

    I would be highly suspicious of a total liquid diet. Our bodies are made to consume solid food not a total liquid diet. (I think you mentioned this in another thread)
    Find some solid foods that you can tolerate, perhaps oatmeal, soft fruits, rice, bananas, etc.

    Check out the links.
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  13. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    20 minutes a day of walking or biking, each week... add five minutes. I'm going to start doing that tomorrow. And see where it gets me. If I lose track, I'll get a personal trainer to keep me focus. But, I kind of agree with Stonie. I shouldn't need one. I don't know. It depends on my focus. No swimming or yoga just yet. I want to make small changes in my activity level, so I won't fail. I also have four exercises that I have to do twice every day for physical therapy. So, add that in the mix.

    As for your questions, not sure what you mean by body type. I always tell people I'm average. People have called me skinny, curvy, petite, and once or twice I have been called fat. So, I don't know. I like to just say that I'm average. I'm not skinny or fat. I'm just average, becuase I have an average lifestyle. I don't grossly eat with no physical activity whatsoever. But, I don't watch what I eat and exercise either. I'm just right in the middle. Anyways, my height is 4'8". So, I'm within normal B.M.I. But, what my doctor is worried about is that this new weight isn't normal for me. I'm usually 100-110, depending. Most of my weight resides in my breasts and arms. That's where I gain weight. So, for a short person I have large breasts and arms. Basically for a short person I have more body mass to cover. I don't know. That's my understanding of it. As for why I'm in physical therapy, I recently was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and my doctor thought it would be a good idea if I did physical therapy.
  14. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Why not do all three? I personally enjoy nature hikes, running, shadowboxing, jump rope, working on the heavy bag, etc. Dancing is a good way to stay in shape too.
  15. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I suck at dancing. I always wanted to do exotic pole dancing as excerise. That would be cool. Those people are talented. I want to be that talented.
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The three body types are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

    I was asking because different body types gain or lose weight and muscle tissue differently and have differing amounts of natural fat.

    As to why I asked why you are in physical therapy I was worried that you may injury yourself with certain exercises if you had an issue such as a bad shoulder or knee or something like that. Sounds like you can do any exercise you want!
  17. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    If you are on a budget, there is no need for a gym, or a personal trainer. There are tons of strength and cardio exercises you can do at home, for free, on your own time and at your own pace. I think walking or biking a little more often is a great place to start :).
  18. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I read your page, so I know you have health issues, but walking is great, a little faster to work up a sweat, plenty of water...and it gets you out socialising, which is great, also good for your lungs! Take a lunch with you, get a bus, walk back, the next day, walk, get a bus back...you will do just fine! ;)
  19. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    A. Get a special trainer.

    If you can afford it a personal trainer will help you with your protein intake and give you all the right exercises for your age and body type.

    I got a trainer about 3 weeks ago and I absolutely love it.
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  20. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    In addition to walking I'd start doing yoga---that would benefit you emotionally as well---an all around well being.

    There is a book you can probably find in a used bookstore, or maybe it is still on the market---called the 28 Day Yoga plan----I forget who the author is---I can look for it if you are interested. But you do it on your own and it is really good.
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