oil or coal, no grid nor enough people to extract, process or maintain them, nor maintain the pavement of streets and highways. what if, the only children who lived more then six months after they were born, had pointy ears and fluffy tails. i don't mean derriare maximus, i mean actual like dogs and cats, chipmunks and pine martins, tails? but DID still have large creative minds and physical brains to facilitate them, and opposable thumbs or retractable claws capable of taking their place, to make and create things, even high technology things. just not more then a tiny fraction of today's human population. what if that were the future, which it is not unlikely to be, and you were to wake up in it. oh and not one is making guns, and given the first thing mentioned, cars as we know them were almost completely impractical almost everywhere.
I'm Certain I'll Be "Long Dead" Before Any Of That Drama Happens.......And So Will You.....So Why Worry Yourself Sick About It......???.. Cheers Glen.