I think I'm the kinda person that has self-esteem that flucuates. I think I get most my self-esteem from taking care of myself, from the things I do, from the things I say, and from nice things that people say about me. What makes you have high self-esteem?
I feel the same way when it comes to Crank, gueirrlabedlam. I'm thankful that doing it isn't the only thing that gives me high self-esteem though. I've only done cocaine a few times years ago. It pretty much had no effect. I haven't gotten into many drugs, but I think I'm done experimenting. I don't know if you like the American tv show, Family Guy or not. -- I Love the show. On it they say that "cocaine is the best thing ever."
tumblingdice- Yeah, completing a difficult task can be good. -- Once in awhile after a big sorting/decorating job I tend to look at my finished result a few times. I don't live with my Mom anymore, but I do visit her often. I "bring this up" because she often has me help with projects and chores other working with her or alone. I know it can be a really good experience of me to do these kinds of tasks. Working up a sweat is awesome for me. It's great to help her out too. I have a few jobs I do when I'm visiting her that I've gotten good at. Anyway, I can relate
I've thought about this before and I think mine just comes from the way I was raised and the way my family loves me and has always, always had my back. I'm the baby, my siblings are many years older than me, so i've always felt like I had 3 extra parents to encourage me through the years. I'm very blessed in that regard
Personal accomplishments and achievements throughout life and the sense I wouldn’t want to be anyone else on earth other than myself
being honest with myself and considerate of others. to me that's the basis of any real self esteem. not the esteem of others or lack of it. it isn't something that can be lost, stolen or given away, but only earned from yourself by yourself. we all get conned sometimes and kick ourselves for it, but knowing that no one else is any more immune to this then ourselves, even if it sometimes feels like. and we don't live on a level field, but we don't have to make it less so. avoiding increasing harm and knowing that, this is what i see as a real basis for self esteem.