What has Vlad Putin accomplished thus far in Ukraine??

Discussion in 'Politicians' started by Xboxoneandsports32490, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. Xboxoneandsports32490

    Xboxoneandsports32490 Members

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    I really don’t watch much news or tv or anything. But I do like to read, so sometimes I do read newspapers and things on my smartphone. But as far as your knowledge, Who is currently winning the war in Ukraine right now as of right now in November 2022? Has Vladimir Putin made any significant progress in his Ukraine Invasion or what have been the results so far as of yet? Could he possibly be talking nuclear weapons if he really is serious about his mission?
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    So far, he's murdered approximately 200,000 people in pursuit of his megalomaniac dream of being remembered as the equivalent of Peter the Great by restoring all of the territory lost to Russia by the disintegration of the USSR. So far, all he has to show for it is bits and pieces of four regions of Ukraine; Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia (Russia's retreating from Kherson as we speak), alienation of Western democracies, and a breathtaking record of war crimes.
    Were Ukraine to fall, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the Baltics would be next. He's as much as said so.

    100,000 Russian military casualties in Ukraine: US general

    Putin compares himself to Peter the Great in quest to take back Russian lands
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
  3. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Peter the Great....Vlad the Bad....
  4. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Putin's war in Ukraine, has killed Russia's Military Industrial Complex ; India, Cuba, China, Egypt, Syria and others stopped buying their weapons, tanks, transports, helicopters and airplanes.
    Russian tanks are nothing but death traps, I took some out during Operation Desert Storm and Operation Desert Sabre.
  5. TwinT

    TwinT Members

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    This evening (18:14 local time) there is a certain emptiness in Ukraine, and not only in civil aviation. The red symbol west of Lviv, halfway to Kraków, indicates Rzeszów airport in southeast Poland. Currently the most important airport for Ukraine, it handles much of the country's military air cargo, as well as dignitaries visiting Kyiv from all over the world.


    This map is more than a year old. It shows significant population shifts. The remaining population is often unnerved by air raid alerts. The hatred of the bereaved and crippled towards the Russians, and not only towards Putin, does not need to be described in detail.

    Air Raid Alert Map of Ukraine


    This is the current territorial situation in Ukraine. The NATO countries have been successful, so far at least, in keeping Russia away from their borders. Unfortunately, there is little inclination to provide money and weapons for the observance of international law. It is much easier to mobilise the population to conquer territory, especially when it comes to attractive seaside resorts.


    There are also significant changes outside Ukraine. This is just one example:

    NATO’s forward presence comprises eight multinational battlegroups, provided by framework nations and other contributing Allies on a voluntary, fully sustainable and rotational basis. The battlegroups operate in concert with national home defence forces and are present at all times in the host countries. All eight battlegroups are fully combat-capable formations.

    The battlegroups are not identical; their sizes and compositions are tailored to specific geographic factors and threats. Overall, military requirements guide each battlegroup’s composition.

    Today, troops and personnel from NATO Allies serve, train and exercise together in the east of the Alliance, representing a strong expression of unity and solidarity. Forces from contributing nations rotate in and out of the battlegroups; at any given time, they may be deployed to the battlegroups or stationed in their home countries with the ability to deploy rapidly, if needed.

    As of July 2024, the eight battlegroups are composed of the following Allies:

    Host nation: Estonia
    Framework nation: United Kingdom
    Contributing nations: France and Iceland

    Host nation: Latvia
    Framework nation: Canada
    Contributing nations: Albania, Czechia, Iceland, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain

    Host nation: Lithuania
    Framework nation: Germany
    Contributing nations: Belgium, Czechia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway

    Host nation: Poland
    Framework nation: United States
    Contributing nations: Croatia, Czechia, Romania, Türkiye and the United Kingdom


    Host nation: Bulgaria
    Framework nation: Italy
    Contributing nations: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Türkiye and the United States

    Host nation: Hungary
    Framework nation: Hungary
    Contributing nations: Croatia, Italy, Türkiye and the United States

    Host nation: Romania
    Framework nation: France
    Contributing nations: Belgium, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal and the United States

    Host nation: Slovakia
    Framework nation: Spain
    Contributing nations: Germany, Slovenia and the United States

    All eight battlegroups are integrated into NATO’s command structure to ensure the necessary readiness and responsiveness.

    The four north-eastern battlegroups (in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) are under NATO command through the Multinational Corps Northeast Headquarters in Szczecin, Poland.”

  6. tjr1964

    tjr1964 Members

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    Putin is in deep doodooo, Trumpsters will not be happy about the Russian situation in Ukraine.

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