Does anyone else have trouble remembering this? Sometimes I can't remember for the life of me what I did the day before. Is this just getting old, or do our younger members experience this as well?
Bad news, I'm afraid. An asteriod collided with the Earth. Everyone was killed. This is your subsconcious speaking to you. Nothing is real. Shit happens.
stayed in, played on the computer, watched a bunch of old who dunnits on youtube, noticed i was getting low on groc, restocked from 99 cents today. may head for tj's tomorrow.
It's sort of funny how that happens. If I have trouble remembering yesterday it is because my days are too similar and run into one another. I know that there must have been some sort of stress in your life yesterday, and today you hardly remember it at all. Sort of comforting, no?
i remember exactly what happened yesterday. of course, you asked this yesterday, so really the question is do i remember saturday. which is kind of iffy.
I'm a very 'in the moment' person and I constantly forget what I did yesterday and any other day for that matter. I pretty much start a new slate everyday...
the sun rose and set. i was awake and asleep at all the 'wrong' times. just like the cats. who set on the window sill and watched the birds outside.