Is it similar to the powers of an empath, or someone who's opened their third eye? I have very good intuition and I've come to believe I was an empath in the past but now I kind of have doubts...even though I have every symptom of one, the only thing I don't have is that extreme empathy, like I don't instantly cry when someone else is upset, but I can say I've been mad when other people are mad, or scared when others are scared. I have really good intuition and I can "feel" what people are thinking about just by looking at them or from something they've said. There's been lots of things that can't be explained that has lead me to think I might be an empath or have psychic abilities. These things are really small and it's mostly only in social situations, and sometimes I think even when I'm alone, but I have even more doubts when it comes to being alone because sometimes I feel crazy, I used to have all sorts of crazy thoughts months ago but they've all stopped since I went on a 3 month vacation to somewhere beautiful...and without marijuana lol. I feel like marijuana is a drug that opens your mind and gives you the truth. I feel like marijuana is a very spiritual drug and not used properly and is very abused. We aren't supposed to be smoking weed everyday nor for recreational purposes to sit on the couch and eat potato chips. We are supposed to use mind-altering substances towards beneficial practices like meditation and thinking for yourself. Even shamans use marijuana for spiritual purposes So what are psychic abilities? How are they formed, or are people born with these powers? If so, how many people do you think have psychic powers and why wouldn't other people have these powers? My personal belief is that some people might be born with these powers naturally either due to their genes, DNA, or how healthy the mother and father were especially for years before and during the pregnancy. I think these powers come from our third eye. What do you think?
your past is your childhood ... before you were manipulated and repressed . be restored to completness however you can . your will to do this is the power , and you will receive magical assistence .
everyone has some amount of it. Some discover it on their own, some need to be trained. I would say, from my experience with my own family, that there may be certain genetic or epigenetic predispositions, though these seem to not be the dominant. While working at an art day camp, I one day decided to entertain the kids by teaching them some really basic energy work, and those that thought it would be fun were able to do it without fail after only about 5 minutes to get the knack of it. I would say that the biggest factor in psychic ability is one's openness to it.
Precognition and ESP are real and I have seen the proof. In two case, I lived it. I think that it is possible that all humans had these abilities to one degree or another eons ago when our ancestors were extremely close to the natural world. Use it or lose it kind of a deal applies I think, because in the modern world, such hypersensitivity to our surroundings is not needed---AS MUCH. I think it" bleeds" through occasionally and since those abilities I mentioned have been made moot by the vagaries of modernity, they are often disbelieved.
It is a pretty natural condition to share thoughts The rare thing is finding someone whose mind isn't full of secrets*, (unnatural world). No one can rest from you a thought that you don't want to share.
Psychic abilities are in fact a 'kind of intelligence', you learn them in the same way you learn how to play the piano or drive a car. psychic abilities allow you to have perceptions beyound the physical body.
Everyone has abilities such as you mention. If you learn to get in touch and vibrate on a higher frequency you will experience more. We are all Empaths to a certain degree.
Ha - vibrations. Please. We vibrate on an atomic level, and the so called empaths and crystals that rely on the idea are little more than placebo affects. But, the human mind is a wonderfully complicated thing. The difference between seeming and being is a lot more connected and subtle than most folk think because they're all so busy with life... you know, daily routines, putting on masks... after all, we all live our lives this way. By advertising yourself a psychic you're putting on a mask. But the thing about masks is that they can be extremely dangerous. Because seeming and being are so intertwined, putting on a mask is actually changing the reality of who you are if both other people and you think of you in the mask, and the repercussions are bound to be unexpected. A psychic will learn to be sensitive because that's part of the mask they want to put on and live in. And suddenly you won't be seen as psychic; you will be psychic, seen. But whether or not you have that is irrelevant. What I think of it is irrelevant. In fact, you're all going off track entirely. A better question is this: What makes you want to be psychic? Do you have any idea of what you might be getting yourself into?
I seem to have forgotten to mention that emotions a psychic sees becomes part of the person seeking psychic help's story that they tell to and about themselves in their own mind. After all, aren't all our lives just stories in our heads that we tell ourselves?
One time a woman asked for an answer without speaking the question and just as I said No she jumped upset then tumbled away . No , I called after her , the answer is No ! Some days later she hugged me all happy , thankfully , and wondered if I'd like to know what her question had been . Sure . And she then said ' It was ... shall I have a good time here ? ' . Why was the psychic answer No the appropriate thing to say ?
Psychic abilities are developed as one comes to a greater understanding of his/her place in the cosmos. You have to take into account time and space, volume, complexity of life, and complexity of the psyche. You will find that the future can communicate with the past, and vice versa. You will also find that through the realm of the psyche you can communicate with the dead. And you will find a seeming lattice of coincidence that underlies everything, a substrate of a greater architecture of order in the cosmos.
Empathy is developed during infancy, and as social beings, it is a very important mechanism of survival. Unless you are a sociopath, you are an "empath". As far as esp and telepathy..nothing paranormal there either. It is simply a result of circadian rythym, otherwise known as entrainment. Precognition is also natural and instinctive. We are hardwired for it. Think about concepts of time.