Just trying to get a clear answer on what they actually are. I crushed and snorted 1 point of moonrocks and was rolling for a good 3 hours or more. It was one of my best rolls and then next day I didn't really have any bad effects. I could go to sleep right when I got home I just noticed I was a little tired the next day. I did take 5-HTP but I really don't know how effective that is, I more just take it for good measure. Does anyone have a clear answer?
Moonrocks are MDMA in it's crystal form. They can still be cut like MDMA powder but it will be harder for the street level dealer to do it. If it was done, the chemist or someone who knows chemistry did it.
Thanks. I've heard some people say it's MDMA cut with a lot of amphetamines, but I was pretty sure it wasn't true since I've had MDMA cut with amphetamines/meth and it is really different/bad comedown.
Shit that looks like this. :2thumbsup: Picked up a gram of this for $40. It smells so fuckin good! Last time he had some he was selling grams for $30 bucks but I wasn't around so I didn't get any!
I like shit that looks like that cuz I feel like it's probably less likely to be crystal meth, or cut with speed. I got some molly last year that was small clear crystals. I know it was MDMA because it smelled like MDMA but I feel like there was some meth in there too, not a shitload or anything but I couldn't go to sleep afterward and I didn't think it was the best but then again my serotonin receptors are pretty fried even years later after rolling twice a weekend every weekend and doin so much acid for a couple years it takes a lot now to blow up really hard. My ex gf got off real good on a point of that stuff tho, even had to go to the bathroom to throw up so idk why I took the other 400mg left and never really got quite where I wanted to be. Did some pressed pills some months after that and ended up taking 3 and never got where I wanted to be but these probably werent that good Oh well, I guess maybe I lost the magic somewhere. Even when I did 6-apb, it was the same way, almost there but never got there and this was from a vendor that I really trust a lot. I do remember methylone bein pretty nice the first 2 or 3 times but after that I would barely feel anything from it even if I took over a gram! I ended up blowing through the 10 grams pretty quick at that pace. My ex could still roll on normal amounts tho until it was gone.
i got i think a half gram of "molly" given to me. it looks just like the crystals in the picture above, which is sort of comforting, but not TOO much...because i bet methylone or mephedrone could look pretty much identical - especially to my untrained eye. what does MDMA smell like? i doubt my tiny bit has much of a smell
I'm not sure how to describe the smell. It smells great tho, like fuckin' candy. I've heard it compared to licorice and that seems like it could be right, but it's been awhile since I've had any licorice candy.
If it was washed properly nothing really. But of it is brownish like the pic above sort of like root beer.
It does have some licorice smell.. I hate licorice ugh... Dip your finger in it and lick it. If its the most disgusting taste ever that makes you instantly gag its probably good stuff..