What do you think of Tony Blair?

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by Lucysky, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    I am curious to hear the opinions of our British friends in regard to Tony Blair. I have seen some press conferences where both Blair and Bush were speaking. As an American, I feel that Tony Blair puts George Bush to shame! Blair speaks quite eloquently - He pronounces words correctly, and when put on the spot with questions, he replies appropriately. Regarding Bush, a baboon could do a better job with a speech. As far as I am concerned, Bush is an embarrassment to the U.S. It saddens me to think that he was actually voted in for a second term. What must those voters have been thinking???
  2. Zonk

    Zonk Banned

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    Don't be fooled by the accent!;)

    Blair is a trained lawyer so therefore it sounds like he is connected to reality....dig a little deeper and you find out he makes the shit up as he goes along.

    Scary thing is he actually believes what he's doing is right. I bet ten/twenty years time we'll see him publically admitting to the error/s of his ways.

    Oh...and I think he's a pompous twat...
  3. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    Zonk - your opinion was quite enlightening. You mentioned that in ten, twenty years he will admit to his errors. I must say that is more than Bush will EVER do! Bush would NEVER admit how wrong he was. He is an ignorant baboon!
  4. Zonk

    Zonk Banned

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    Well just look at his family....he was never going to be a Darwin or an Einstein with those genes![​IMG]
  5. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    are we talking personality or politics here?... just about all of our current politicians have absolutely no charisma....and they all talk shit...
  6. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    pabsy - I was asking about the whole Tony Blair - politics, education, personality, etc. Also, I am curious about the general feelings the Britians have about the American people. When I was 16 years old, a friend and I went to London. This was during the Viet Nam war, which I was totally against. Some of the people we met who were our age initially shunned us because we were Americans. Once we sat down and explained our feelings, everything was cool. Opinions?
  7. Zonk

    Zonk Banned

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    It's often better to tell people you're Canadian!

    Or wear a 'Fuck Bush and all Evangelical Warmongering Bible Freaks' t-shirt....:p
  8. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    lucysky... i'll save my political opinions of Tony Blair and his government for later...as for my views on the American people... i never collectively judge others by the actions of their government. Christ...i hope we brits arent judged by Blairs blunders or we are all doomed here!
    Education...the NHS... a lot of my work involves the NHS.NBS and i see first hand just how tax payers money is squandered... only i wouldnt tell the million on the NHS waiting list just exactly where the money is wasted...i wouldnt have a job tomorrow lol
  9. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    Excuse my ignorance, but what do the initials NHS and NBS stand for?
  10. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    as for personality...our alternatves are Charles Kennedy and Michael Howard.... yes..i can see how even Tony Blair can look like he has a personality when hes up against such dynamic politicians as those...:)
  11. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    sorry.. National Health Service annd National Blood Service
  12. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    At least you have a government health insurance plan. We have nothing here!
  13. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    yes we do..and this government puts more money into healthcare than any other... but we still have a million people on the waiting list for treatment..some of them seriously ill... and once in hospital more and more are dying from the so called super bug... private medical insurance is almost a necessity here even though our National Insurance contributions are phenominal....perscription charges are supposed to be subsidised from our contributions but its often cheaper to buy over the counter drugs and if you need a life saving drug you will probably find you live in the wrong postcode and cant get it...so i guess it isnt all as rosy as Blair would have you think
  14. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    pabsy - Thank you for your honest and educational conversation! I have given you much deserved rep points. It has been a pleasure!
  15. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    what worries me more is the Bush Blair alliance and attitude to terrorism and war
  16. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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  17. Or's well

    Or's well Member

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    Tony Blair...I won't get started on my thoughts about him as it will upset my evening.

    Grr...I think that he is a liar. An arrogant, pompus liar at that. Ok, so as my parents say "they're all the same, any of them would have done xx, blah blah" but any of them didn't. It was Tony. And when it's the next PM I'll probably think the same about him.

    I know that governments have never really listened to teh people, for starters only 22% of the population ACTUALLY voted for Tony and his cronies. But Tony goes to a different level by admitting that he doesn't listen (ignores the polls, etc) by stating that "I know what is right for Britain and the people will jsut have to trust me". Until he's wrong, and then he says he did what he thought was right for the interests of Britain (which is not an admission that he is wrong by the way!).

    It's not just the war in Iraq either where he ignored a million people marching in London, and 92% of the population who didn't want to go to war without UN backing - many of whom were members of his own party.

    We've had so many of our civil liberties taken away without many of us even knowing it, and ID card will be the icing on the cake.

    But i don't believe that it is all Tony's fault. The system that he was manipulated in and the higher powers acting in the background are to blame really. like has been said, Tony actually believes what he is saying and doing (or not) is right.

    Tony and George are just the public faces of a larger system. They can and will be replaced time and time again, by a democrat, republican, conservative, liberal or labour candidate but they are all singing from the same hymn sheet, written by multi-national companies driven by the greed of their shareholders.

    Damn, I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread!

    Oh, he is also a war criminal and I dream of seeing him and George in front of a firing squad together. I wonder if Sir Bob (Geldof) will have his head on Tony's shoulder then?
  18. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    pabsy - that worries me too! Recent polls have indicated Bush currently has the worst rating that he has ever had. This leads me to believe that now, more than half of the American people feel Iraq was a very big mistake. It's too bad it took them so long to figure this out!
  19. Lucysky

    Lucysky Original Hippie

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    Or's Well - I totally understand how upset politics makes you. I was a raving lunatic years ago - trying to make people REALLY understand how our own government was screwing us, and how wrong Bush has been. I had to back down because it upset me so much. I get so upset, that it literally affects my health. I agree with everything you have said, ESPECIALLY the firing squad part!
  20. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    lucysky... or's well's last post sums it up.. as a nation we were almost all collectively against going to war with Iraq.. but our voices were never heard despite massive public protests. 911 was a tragedy the whole world will never forget.. but war was not the answer.. but then..does anyone have the answer to what would bring a halt to terrorism? i doubt it

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