You (the boyfriend) and your girlfriend go over to your sister and her boyfriend's place. Your girlfriend bends over to do something random and your sister's boyfriend stares for a few seconds at your girlfriend's behind. A fight between all four parties breaks out. Basically, everything ends with the girlfriend being told that she is the one at fault because she bent down and happened to be in front of the sister's boyfriend. Other added details are as followed; - Your sister and her boyfriend have a kid together. - Your sister was downstairs when this occurred. - Both these details are also told to your girlfriend to convey that what your girlfriend did was made worse because of these details. My friend, which is the girlfriend in this situation told me this story and I just had to share it with others because I want opinions. I'm dumbfounded. If you happen to be a female reading this then pretend to be the girlfriend. Do you think you were at fault?
All of that is childish nonsense. A fight broke out because a human being bent over and another human looked. And these people are parents? Oh geeze....I hope they don't ever procreate again.
Yeah, that's really stupid. It's not like she was parading around trying to get his attention, nor did he grab her ass or say anything inappropriate, right? Sounds like some may have self esteem issues here? Silly thing to fight about.
if I were the girlfriend I would tell everyone to fuck off and take my fine ass elsewhere lol. What petty drama.
I, too told her she wasn't wrong, as long as she didn't bend down in a seductive way. She cried that she didn't even remember bending down and that despite not remembering bending down she knows that she didn't intend for it to be seductive in any way. It was a fairly intense situation because they didn't just all blame her. Her boyfriend accused her of bending down on purpose to seduce the sister's boyfriend into having sex with her. The sister told the brother (my friend's boyfriend) that he needed to break up with my friend. Then proceeded to tell my friend not to do what she did again, as if it was something bad. And the sister's boyfriend was crying stating that if she hadn't bent over he would have never looked and that she didn't even have an ass to look at. It basically sounded like an episode that was taken out of Jerry Springer. The thing that really confuses me is that the sister's boyfriend has done this before with other girls and the sister knows this. He even told the sister that he can't take her on a date because he will look at other girls' behinds. Also, he talks negatively about her body, such as that she needs a bigger behind because hers is too small. Knowing all this I would think the sister would blame the boyfriend for what had happened, but of course, it didn't happen that way. It sounds to me like a classic case of a girl blaming herself, other girls, but never the guy. The boyfriend of my friend is just as confusing. He claimed that he did what he did, as in outing the sister's boyfriend and "outing" his girlfriend to his sister because he was "defending his girlfriend's honor" and protecting his sister. I get how telling his sister what her boyfriend did is protecting her, but how does him saying what he said about his girlfriend a way to show that he is defending his girlfriend? I just don't get it. My friend did apologize. Told them that she doesn't get out much, so she didn't socially know bending down was a bad thing. But, when they kept hassling her she changed her opinion and stated that she wasn't wrong. She stated that the sister's boyfriend was wrong for not having self-control and that her boyfriend was wrong for twisting an already sensitive situation into something... well, twisted. She thinks he honestly did that not because he was upset that another guy was staring at his girlfriend's behind or that the guy happen to be his sister's boyfriend. She thinks he was already in a bad mood because he couldn't smoke cigarettes, so he decided to stir up trouble by telling his sister all that he told her. She also told me that he "defends her honor" so much that she honestly thinks he does it more for himself to start trouble than to protect her. He does it more to put her down, saying things like, "if you weren't wearing that, bending down, if you weren't out, etc." So, despite it really hurting her she knows it wasn't her fault.
yep. my first thought after reading the first three sentences was that this just sounds incredibly white trash. you don't explicitly say how the fight started, but i'm pretty sure that the boyfriend (me, as the scenario was given) was the one at fault. you implied that he started the fight, and i can't think of a scenario where anyone else would even have imagined grounds to start a fight. so basically, he's one of those pathetic drama queens that isn't capable of just enjoying himself, so he had to look desperately for any innocent situation that he could twist into something to ruin everyone's night with.
This is my friend's opinion about her boyfriend and her take on the situation. I totally agree with her that it was both her boyfriend's fault for making an already sensitive situation into something more sinister. He even said that his sister would have beat up my friend and if she had he would have let her. My friend's boyfriend sounds horrible, so yea... it's totally his fault. And it was the sister's boyfriend's fault for staring. He sounds horrible too, telling his girlfriend that he can't take her out because he will stare at girls' behinds. That's horrible as well. In my original post I wanted to be as straight forward and to the point as possible. Don't make anyone look too good or too bad. I wanted it this way to not create biases. I just wanted to know was the girlfriend wrong for bending over in this situation? Three people all told her that she was wrong. That she started it. And I'm a firm believer that the more popular opinion is always the right one. But, I'm a total social outcast and even I know it's not wrong to bend over. That she didn't start it. I guess who started it was the sister's boyfriend for staring and my friend's boyfriend proceed it and threw it out of proportion. I hope my friend leaves him soon. And for the sister... well, she has a kid with her boyfriend, so she is struck. So, I just hope her and her boyfriend have more happy moments than moments like this. I'm going to make her read this because even though she stood strong in her opinion, she asked me "Was I wrong?" It's hard to stand firm in your conviction when three people all tell you that you are wrong. So, I get it.
nothing wrong with bending over. nothing really wrong with staring at a nice ass either, although a little awkward if you're being obvious about it. refusing to go on a date because you know you'll stare at asses is pretty ridiculous though. but in this scenario i would say it is at least 99% the boyfriend's fault.
it is obvious op made the boyfriend feel like a dick....op had to have started the drama....we know the boyfriend didn't....we know bendover girl didn't start it and we know sister/mommy was downstairs so she had no idea...op had to have started this and is now blaming someone else op....did you say something?....I would have told you to go fuck yourself...i'll look at whatever the fuck I want to who ever started the drama is the drama queen and deserves a prize
I'm the OP and I wasn't there. I just listened to my friend's story, also known as Bendover Girl and The gitlfriend. But, no matter what you anweared my question, so I don't mind the confusion.
comedy gold right there ^ so clarify......who all was in the room .... and you should talk to your sister.....she should be encouraging her man to check out asses that are right in front of him and she should be complimenting them too....she wont regret it later in the boudoir why is it bad to admire another human other than your wife? isn't.....jealousy is a horrible thing.....ive been a dick myself because of jealousy....never been able to forgive myself for it
I don't think taking a second look at someone's body in general is a bad thing either, whether or not you have a partner. But, I don't think it's right when the partner of the person you're looking at is sitting next to you. And when you're doing such things when you already know your partner has a sensitivity to it. Basically, the way I see it is... do it at your own time when you're by yourself and don't make it obivious or be obsessive about it.
All rules change though if you find a partner that is completely okay with you looking at other people and you're completely okay with them doing so. It would be a nice pass time to do together to bring the two of you closer together.