What do you think of the U.N.?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LornaDoom, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    This was a speech given by the leader of the U.N. on December 2nd...I think we are getting closer to a one world currency..

    Eradicating poverty and arresting climate change are mutually reinforcing goals. Most importantly, they are achievable. But reaching our objectives will require significant change and restructuring of the global economy. Industry and the private sector will play a crucial role
  2. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    here is the UN goals right off their website..I would say they are a major fail

    The UN has 4 main purposes

    • To keep peace throughout the world;
    • To develop friendly relations among nations;
    • To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;
    • To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
    Talk about a joke, the U.N. is really the joke
  3. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    The UN is a world government bent on power and world control. 65 wars have broken out under the UN, and they have totally failed to maintain peace.

    Furthermore their "declaration of human rights" clearly puts the government above the law in Article 29 of their "Declaration of human rights," which states..

    • (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
    • (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

      This essentially means that government is above your Rights, and can take them at will. A very dangerous Notion for a World government to have...
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yup, as STP said, the UN is nothing more than a global government Trojan horse. They're one of the more insidious institutions in the world, along with the Vatican, CIA and a few others. Many people say the UN has no power, but that is a joke, since they have the power to supersede national laws with international ones, establishing the groundwork for a one world government, which is the UN's whole reason for existence.

    There is not one good thing I have to say about the United Nations. The land their headquarters in NYC sits on was donated by the Rockefellers. Go figure.
  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    As far as the purpose of the United Nations...

    *to destroy national sovereignty with international laws, regulations and treaties
    *to promote one world religion
    *to promote a one world monetary system
    *to promote a globalized/standardized (dumbed down) educational system via UNESCO
    *to promote multiculturalism (which has nothing to do with people's acceptance of others, but their acceptance of global governance)
    *to push for global disarmament/gun control
    *to instate global taxation (carbon tax, etc.)

    To sum it all up, it's all about global control.

    And as far as being a peacekeeping body, what a joke. Just look at some of the atrocities carried out by the UN in various parts of the world (Somalia, etc.)

    This lovely statue sits just outside of UN headquarters in NYC. It helps to give us an idea of what the UN is all about.

  6. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    You hit the nail squarely on the head with that post.

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