How do you feel about the following sexual activities? 1. Facefarting (a) very erotic (b) pleasurable (c) would try it (d) wouldn't try it but don't find it all that disgusting (e) would never do it - find it disgusting (f) would never do it - find it absolutely revoltingly sick 2. Golden showers (a) very erotic (b) pleasurable (c) would try it (d) wouldn't try it but don't find it all that disgusting (e) would never do it - find it disgusting (f) would never do it - find it absolutely revoltingly sick 3. Scat (a) very erotic (b) pleasurable (c) would try it (d) wouldn't try it but don't find it all that disgusting (e) would never do it - find it disgusting (f) would never do it - find it absolutely revoltingly sick 4. Being vomited on for sexual pleasure (a) very erotic (b) pleasurable (c) would try it (d) wouldn't try it but don't find it all that disgusting (e) would never do it - find it disgusting (f) would never do it - find it absolutely revoltingly sick
I think it's amazing what people turn in to sexual activities.. there is such a thing as too much fantasy.. or too many issues.. hehehe Anyway.. all those things would be a 'heck no, get away from me' answer, mostly because if my partner would ask me to do stuff like that I would realise that we would both never be 100% satisfied with are sexlife. By the way.. you'd probably get more respons if you post this in the 'real kinky' forum
1. Facefarting (e) would never do it - find it disgusting 2. Golden showers (d) wouldn't try it but don't find it all that disgusting 3. Scat don't know what it is:& 4. Being vomited on for sexual pleasure (e) would never do it - find it disgusting
Doesn't float my boat. i'd never want to be the recipient of any, but would give a golden shower if they wanted. I just thing the others sound messy. I don't find any of them morally wrong, though. Peace
What?!? no. But I was watching "Real Sex" on TV the other night just for shits and giggles, and they mentioned foot fetishes (we're talking sucking of toes/ vibrators on feet) and sploshing. That...was...well...interesting.
Ummm...ew? Ya no thanks there champ. Especially the vomiting, that's just NASTY lol but I guess each to their own, right??