I'm moving in with my new roommate who is from Senegal. I needed a quick temporary place for my new job. His other roommate moved out and I'm taking the other guy's place for he rest of the lease. Has anyone here ever been to Senegal, or know someone from that country?
every senegalese i've ever met was a huge asshole with herpes. actually, that's not untrue, because i don't think i've ever met anyone from there. nobody that advertised the fact anyway.
I think about Senegalese people all the time. Like just then, I was thinking, is Senegal a real country?
is there such a thing as a real country? anywhere? what does 'real country' even mean anyway? and why do people even care if there is? instead of just big enough trains and computers and friendly little furry things?
Well I suppose their ok as long as they’re not transmitting or spreading Ebola Hemorrhagic fever Hotwater