I'm always short of plug sockets, but that's just mad.. What's it for? Photos inside £1.3 million house for sale have left Twitter users feeling 'ill'
can you post some of the photos here? the link gave me pop-ups so i got out of there before anything weird could happen.
Air conditioner Air ioniser Air purifier Appliance plug Aroma lamp Attic fan Bachelor griller Bed side lamp Back boiler Beverage opener Blender Box mangle Camcorder Can opener Ceiling fan Central vacuum cleaner Clothes dryer Clothes iron Coffee grinder Cold-pressed juicer Combo washer dryer Comparison of domestic robots Computer Digital camera Dish draining closet Dishwasher Drawer dishwasher DVD player Electric water boiler Evaporative cooler Exhaust hood Fan heater Flame supervision device Forced-air Futon dryer Garbage disposal unit Gas appliance Go-to-bed matchbox Hair dryer Hair iron Hob (hearth) Home server Humidifier HVAC Icebox Kimchi refrigerator Light fixture Light Mangle (machine) Meat grinder Micathermic heater Microwave oven Mousetrap Nightlight Oil heater Oven Patio heater Paper shredder Radiator (heating) Radio receiver Refrigerator Internet refrigerator Thermal mass refrigerator Sewing machine Space heater Steam mop Stove Sump pump Telephone Television set Tie press Toaster and toaster ovens Trouser press Vacuum cleaner Manual vacuum cleaner Robotic vacuum cleaner Washing machine Water cooker Water purifier Water heater Solar water heater Window fan Waffle iron
It's an odd curiosity But the article headline is some serious clickbait From the headline I was expecting like...a serial killer dungeon Not a bunch of sockets
Bizarre Surely that would break some kind of building code. If you had all those plugged in drawing maximum amps, bit of a fire risk
A medical care (ICU type) bedroom Camera up top to watch patient as well Homeowner passed away and estate is for sale.
It all depends if the sockets are on different circuits and not just the one. I am guessing that the property may have multiple consumer units ( distribution units) to accommodate all of these.
My first impression, looking at the location or all the boxes on opposite walls, was that they were film buffs and wanted to be able to control everything including surround sound and films incoming via the internet, cable and areal, all from the comfort of their settee, without having more cables running across the floor than a film studio. They probably wanted to do the same thing when they were watching films in bed. The sockets around the windows would have been to open and close the curtains as the film started. I have seen similar installations in the past in film directors homes.
One of them had a dubbing theater in the basement of his house that the previous owners had dug out to build a swimming pool. One day the house was surrounded by armed police, after the guy reading the electricity meters thought that he was about to launch a nuclear missile. He ended up in court for commercial use of a domestic premises, but since he was only dubbing his own films, the case was thrown out. I assume that he forgot to tell them that his home movies were being made for BBC television. LOL.
Doesn't seem very Green to me … Unless/perhaps, it is situated under a solar powered panelled roof with a wind turbine on top of it neat to the sea where there is a tidal power facility that assists???