What would cause someone to behave like this girl is? Built up anger? Perhaps a mental illness? This couldn't possibly have been a one time freakout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uroJOzESKMA&feature=youtu.be
She's pretty whacked out. But I do agree that they shouldn't be making out in a restaurant. But at the same time, what is calling them names going to accomplish. Ya know.
Apparently all he did was give her a kiss on the forehead. The lady said they were "making out" then said they were "having sex" so I probably wouldnt believe her. She must have a lot of built up anger or something.
Whatt!? Just a kiss on the forehead! I should have watched to the end. Yeah, she is beyond whacked out. I'd say she overreacted big time.
Wow! talk about patience. If that bitch called my wife a slut and prostitute even once, let alone repeatedly, I would be going to jail for assault and that loony bitch would have a very, very, very broken face!
I didn't watch it. But, she is pulling a pretty retarded looking face in the preview. So. I dunno. Spazzo.
I'm not really sure what mental illness it could be? I just think she has a bunch of bottled up anger or was seeking attention or some shit.
She may be right This public display of affection is a symptom of a larger problem perpetuated by the human need to express emotion and to physically bond with someone of the same or opposite sex. Hotwater
i've been drinking and i'm not going to stop listening to music to listen to some crazy person yell on youtube for 6 minutes. but based just on visual evidence, she seems to be a ginger, and therefore is a soulless devil bent on destroying human society.
video won't work for me so I will have to Guess whats going on ! She sees someone Snogging and Kicks off ?? Yeah Fucking wacko Beeiach