(I don't really like using the word, "sluts", but I decided to anyway.) I sometimes think of them as being "angels". I think they can be really awesome. One thing that I don't like about them though is if they tempt someone and "wreck the home". There's also the risk of disease. What do you think?
One, not all promiscuous women are sleeping with married people. Two, they're not forcing anyone to cheat on their spouses. Pretty much the equivalent of villifying the donut for someone's weight problem.
I don't respect promiscuous women. Most of them have underlying mental health issues, and who knows what diseases they might carry.
Lol, not all women carry diseases, man. The stats and numbers work out that, promiscuous people use more safe sex habits than others.
Define promiscuous... And is it the same as the male version? And sti are transmitted .usualy by men... For every woman that has sex, there is a man doing it with her.. usually!!! So what do you think of a promiscuous male?
I agree. Angels. Or American superheroes. Seriously, people don't get married until their 30's now, which I think is probably a good thing. That means they'll spend some of their 20's dating around. I think it's fairly absurd to apply Victorian morals to modern society, and only to women.
Depends if they know the other person is married. I do find that a pretty amoral. Unless it's an open relationship and the spouse is cool with it. Or they're separated.
I think they are generally nice enough.....I'd just be a bit wary about getting into a relationship with them if thought they still wanna screw around.
I don't see the point of placing a verdict on promiscuous women in general. It depends on the details what i think of them, and it seems the details can differ greatly.
Not my cup of tea. I would also be worried that with 429 notches on their bedpost the bed may collapse at the critical moment.
I think the same about Promiscuous Women as I do about Promiscuous men, it is their choice and who am I to judge them for doing what they want to do and being who they want to be.
Thing is, you can discern if someone is right for YOU, there's nothing wrong with that. If a guy doesn't wish to date a woman who has had a lot of sexual partners before him, that's fine. Just like it's fine for women to not wish to date men who have had the same. It's about what is right for you.
I think it depends on stage of life and where one's head's at. For example, when I was young, I quickly passed on the wonderful gals who screwed around as marriage material. I was looking for someone to build a home and life with, who was trustworthy and committed, who wouldn't fuck me over if they perceived a bigger, better deal. Now that I'm older, I realize that it's possible for those things to exist simultaneously. People can be totally loyal and honest with their partner they're dedicated to while still enjoying sexual activities with others. There are some exceptional women who are capable of screwing guys just for the fun of it while running no risk of attachment. That's the best of both worlds where both partners unconditionally love each other yet see free to exercise with others, fully sharing the details with their partner. Everyone benefits and sex life doesn't get routine or boring. A potential drawback is if the female is still fertile, the possibility of becoming impregnated by someone other than the partner who would be the acting father. That wouldn't work for me, personally, but if that's effectively avoided... Of course once old enough that drawback disappears along with the need for protection against it so the fun can begin with trusted other men who can then freely inseminate her. It's also a better time for that because post menopausal women tend to be drier so it would be ideal for her to keep wet by daily or more inseminations from multiple men.
i don't think promiscuity should be demonized nor ostracized. i mean, if males want to get laid, this is completely illogical to do so. generosity is generosity and should be praised and appreciated. and it isn't logically all on the women either. not denying that disease and population aren't both a problem. but celibacy isn't the only or best answer to population. for one thing, not everyone is going to go along with it, no matter what, and generally it increases the level of aggressiveness among entire populations and cultures. this shaming of promiscuity is probably at the very root of western culture's self destructive hatred of logic.