What Do You Think About Doing Acid As You Age?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by RichardTheFrog, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I did a lot of acid when I was younger (21-22), then I got in trouble and haven't done any since.

    Back in the day, I thought it was the miracle drug for everything. I noticed super-enhanced sexual performance, and I thought of it as sort of like a "fountain of youth" type thing.

    What do you think about doing it as you age? And do you have any children?

    Without starting a new thread... have you noticed in enhance your sexual potency?
  2. Comfortablynumb11

    Comfortablynumb11 Member

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    I am 25 and enjoy tripping, first time I tried acid I was 19...and could not find any for a while after that, but was able to access mushrooms so I was tripping on those a lot..but mushrooms cause a different sort of trip so at times I felt I was settling for them but would rather have acid. Then for a while I did not have access to either, though admittedly I wasn't really trying to find it. So yeah between the ages of 20 and 24 I acquired it on a couple occasions though both those times it was kind of a weak trip but still pleasant, but nothing near the first time. As of the last month/few weeks I have tripped on acid around 3 times , probably better quality than the two times before since the effects where much more noticeable and lasted longer.

    I really enjoy it and it seems after effects wear off it seems to have some lasting benefits of being able to see things from another perspective and be more open minded to different things if that makes sense, also listening to music on it is quite the experience. If anything I would probably want to take it more often than I have been, but still would not over-do it...but yeah much more satisfying than say drinking so I'd rather drink less and trip more. I do not have kids and have not done any sexual sort of activities with anyone while tripping(not sure I'd want to but then not in a relationship so just not really something I've thought about even certainly would not want to hook up with someone random). I guess I do not feel like my opinion or thoughts on it have changed too much since I first tried it, aside from maybe just having a wee bit more respect for psychedelics in general, as I've had a couple unpleasant mushroom trips due to failing to properly prepare myself which is part of the reason for that.
  3. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Interesting topic in which I have lots of experience in all the criteria you asked about, over 30 years of experience with psychedelics, married with many kids, and have had lots of sex while tripping.

    Too bad your such a trollish tool Richard or I would gladly relate some experiences, but your just not worth the effort.
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  4. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    It's better when you're older IMO.
  5. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I tripped 89 times from 1980 to 1994. I was in my 30s when I last used any hallucinogen, though I did try salvia (NOT my thing at all).

    One benefit to tripping I discovered quite by accident is that it can shut off crack cravings like a switch. This made getting my shit together before my first kid was born a LOT easier.

    I don't really have any desire to trip these days.
  6. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yea i noticed that lsd can turn off all my weed cravings too after a potent trip (but only sometimes). but i usually have weed cravings all the time otherwise.

    i'm in my 20s. i first tripped on lsd 7 or 8 years ago. i don't really feel like it expands my mind much anymore. though i have never increased dose past 2 strong hits. so maybe i would notice something if i upped the dose. but i am still really glad for the experiences that I had when i tripped a few years ago, and feel like some of my first trips were really enlightening experiences that helped me to become a better person. my first trips were really intense. when i trip nowadays it is all rainbows and butterflies. no, really. just happy trails. but some of my first experiences had me sitting on the edge of my seat feeling like i was on a boeing 747 that was crash landing. . once the plane landed i was filled with joy, and a much more peaceful, loving, and enlightened perspective from that day on.
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  7. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    One time I felt like a reptile for probably 3 years or so. That was the inspiration for all the evolutionary psychology stuff I got into in my other posts.

    It is a great cure for alcoholism, though. And depression.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I haven't tripped since a couple of years before I had a child, although mushrooms were always my thing more than lsd. I haven't tripped since because I dont want to be in the middle of our trip and our babysitter calls us with an emergency. Tripping isn't really something you can just stop mid trip and sober up.

    I do plan to trip again when he's a little older, although I was never one for tripping all that often. A couple of times a year is very cleansing for me.
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  9. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Yea that sounds more healthy than what I was doing. If I ever get back into it, that's what I would do. Would you do mushrooms or acid?

    Mushrooms = less intense (whether that is a good or a bad thing for you), can grow yourself, but harder to hide if you want to store them long term

    Acid = more intense (for better or worse), can't make yourself (most likely), easy to hide and even pass through the mail
  10. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    This kind of sparked my interest a bit, my last experience with LSD was very negative to say the least, that I had sworn it off for life.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this, and then come back to it. So I was wandering if anyone here has had an experience where they gave up LSD for a long time, and decided to come back to it. What were your impressions? What made you come back? And anymore opinions on whether being younger or older would be of interest too :)
  11. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Yea I got arrested for doing something I don't remember and did 4 years.

    But I still might want to do it (or mushrooms) once or twice per year.

    But maybe it's best to stay away from that stuff for good.
  12. Comfortablynumb11

    Comfortablynumb11 Member

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    I actually tend to find mushrooms more intense.
  13. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't think there is an age where LSD use is not appropriate anymore. Although I have met the people who would say it's a childish thing and at a point you are a loser if you keep doing it. These were the sort of people who in my experience never really got it. They are more interested in drugs like alcohol and coke (which they would still use when calling LSD childish). Tripping was just about "being fucked up" and they never really explore anything.
  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    There are some factors, such as time constraints and pursuing a career and what not, where the LSD duration and significant mind altering properties of the trip, may understandably make someone make this claim while justifying their use of other drugs.

    It's funny you mention this because recently someone said something similar to me in regards to MDMA being a childish drug, who happened to be a long time meth and alcohol user. I find that more ironic in the sense there is not the time constraints issues with MDMA.

    In the overall scope of things, I think you make a valid point. It's interesting how the numbing/ego boosting drugs get depicted as being more adult somehow by some. Though not as strong, I still think there is an aspect of coke being a status drug and alcohol has it's social acceptability aspect.

    @ Sleeping Caterpillar aka Sleepy Cat: You have already had far more LSD trips than I have, so Im not sure you would have the same experience as I but I took a few years off from LSD and when I returned to it, I tried it in more varied settings. I guess you could say I used it more recreationally in some sense, like going to raves, but I still felt the same respect towards it. I felt more open to exploring varied enviornments and using it functionally, like play guitar and stuff on.
  15. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    i took my first trip at age fifteen in the olympic national park with my father my sister and a few of his adult friends. I had been cultivated to regard if reverentially.
    Since that first trip I have always tripped alone and when in company never announce that i'm tripping. That is because I found encountering straight people when they knew you were high kinda created a strange dynamic for me that i wasn't comfortable with. I didn't use setting at all. I went to work on the stuff in a fast paced kitchen. i took it as part of regular regimen of encountering my daily life. Regular use created regular cadence of wax and wane in my life like it'[s own circadian rhythm. I had one accident in about three hundred trips doing this and that is i came into work late thinking I was on time was called into the office and it was only then that I put two and two together. This was all before age twenty one. I would be welcome to taking it again but In my situation I rarely encounter it. What I think about this functioning in real life situations while high as a kite is it has the effect of giving you great sense of balance.
  16. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah that is true. The older people I know have to plan a trip. Can I get time of work? Can I get a sitter for the kids? It's not as care free as it once was.
  17. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    If you are replying to me my problem is not time but remoteness from the source.
    I am hermit like in the forest. You should come visit.
  18. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    One profound reflection older on younger.

    I toke acid at age fifteen in the company of an adult.

    That is a serious statutory offense.

    Statutes mean fuck all in relation to human experience. They are an effort to limit it.
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  19. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Statutes are appropriate to building codes.
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  20. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    No it was to guerillabedlam.

    I too am a hermit in the forest. 20 min from a town but still remote in my mind.

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