So I broke one of my bowls today because I threw my bat at it. It was pretty satisfying actually. I didn't use it anymore. It had lost it's color and didn't hit well anymore. It was honestly just taking up space in our box anyway. But because of that my boyfriend decided to say something about it. Eventually we ended up in a fight and I broke my bong. Now I don't know what to do with it and I'm sad my favorite piece is gone. You don't just throw that kinda stuff what do you guys do with your pieces when they finally bite the dust? Does anyone have a piece cemetery? How many of you just break it the rest of the way for fun?
when i [accidentally] broke my bong i saved the downstem and the bowl, because they didn't break. but i threw the broken pieces in the trash (wrapped in paper for the garbage man's safety].
Every broken piece I ever had just went in the trash except for a bong my friend bought me that I really treasured. We glued it back together. It's not perfect and we don't use it anymore, but I couldn't just toss it. I don't honestly smoke enough now that I really think there's much chance to break another.
I scrape em, then toss em. I usually wrap the pieces in duct tape or something to make sure it's not gonna hurt someone out there. We usually have a moment of silence, then I pull the papers out until we can afford more glass.
mosaics are the first most obvious thought, beyond that it would just depend on the pieces and the shapes of them. little fairy houses for magical little spirit people to live in. whatever things the shapes of them inspire. color images of gaudi's park guell might be inspiring.
Thanks guys. I might be able to save the bong, it was just plastic. The bowl on the other hand, I'm going to see if I can think of anything to make. If not I'll wrap it and toss it. If anyone has made something out of broken pieces, I'd love to see!