My wife and I love to drive around in the wee hours looking at Christmas lights and decorations. We always have some Kenny G playing on the ipod. Nice and slow driving and gazing. It's even better when there snow on the ground with a light fluttering of snow flakes falling.
My family literally does not do Christmas any more, in any commercial sense of the word anyway. I agree with them. It's kind of a hassle. So, I don't do Christmases either, and haven't since I was a teenager. I've never really been responsible for financing gifts for the whole family, and now I give cards instead of gifts; which is considerably easier on my conscience since I don't have to try and figure out what to get someone and how to pay for it. It's just better for me. But anyway, as you can imagine it can be a little bit confusing because literally everyone else is doing some kind of Christmas-y thing for Christmas. The most we would do is go to Church at midnight, but that's not the question. The question was about Christmas Eve... So in all honesty the first thing that came to mind was "the gym is open on Christmas Eve!" So I'll probably do that. Go to the gym.
My great aunt hosted a christmas eve party for my entire extended family every Christmas Eve for 60 years, so thats what I did every year of my life until 3 years ago when she passed away. Christmas eve feels kind of empty now. I think everyone in my family broke off into smaller, immmediate family groups and does smaller get togethers now. We've been going to my mom's sister's house for Christmas Eve the last 3 years but it isnt the same
When I was a child, we would go to my paternal grandparents' house. We'd go to my maternal grandparents' house on Christmas Day. Neither of the men I've been married to have had big families so we've never "had" to go anywhere on Christmas Eve. I spend Christmas Day with my children and grandchildren. In other words, "Nothing". I haven't done anything special on Christmas Eve since I was a child/teen. My current husband proposed to me on Christmas Eve 1998 and that was the most special that I'd ever been made to feel.
well for more than the last 70 years my entire family gets together and exchanges gifts. it has usually been at the biggest house that has kids but this year its gonna be at a vfw hall or something like that so my sister dosnt have to worry about steps.
Nothing on Christmas Eve. I'm not religious and don't have any family close so I don't have any thing special to do. It's just another day.
I used to enjoy Christmas Eve until my early twenties. And for a bit when I was married, now I totally dislike the holidays. They are just sad and depressing, because there no one around anymore
preparing for my annual Axemas celebrations I invented Axemas like 10+ years ago, it includes rubbish offensive music and lots of drinks and partying. I get anywhere between 5-10 people