A neurologist would tell you that dopamine is released in response to certain events. Evolutionarily speaking, this would be for food and sex, which leads to the survival of the species. What is fun other than that? What releases dopamine? Drugs do. That's why their called "dope." Being around people you like does. Having fun and socializing. I have enjoyed reading science textbooks and finding answers to things that I've wondered about, which is the topic to a lot of my threads on here. But that gotten old. I wake up and within 2 seconds, I think "it's going to be another miserable day..." But then it's not SO bad once I get into it. I think when I have my first book published and on Amazon, that will cause a momentary release of dopamine. I think I could win the lottery and go "oh well... I'm still going to die some day." Lol.
I don't really find "fun" in things most people do for fun. I don't really like to socialize much. I don't really like sports. Most of the entertainment people like is garbage. I am not really a fan of festivals, etc. For me, fun is engaging in my own individualistic pursuits, like making music, writing, working out, learning new things, etc. Aside from sex, my idea of fun is mostly solitary activities.
Extreme sports of all kinds and im always willing to try something new. Nothing more peaceful than flying down a road on two or four wheels with 'hope' there is no on coming vehicles. My jeep and trying to climb 70* hills. Sometimes I can hook and make it, Sometimes you tip or roll, You want to play, Gotta pay! I wheel with people, But would rather wheel alone with my family out in the middle of nowhere. I have drove my jeep and or took wheelers to many places that you can only get to on or n said vehicles. I take some pictures, But my idea of 'fun' is going there and seeing it for my own eyes. If you want to see the trip/pic's, Go see it for yourself and the beauty that follows. To me, Ill have 'fun' the rest of my life. If im not having fun doing so, Why keep at it? I don't 'settle' or give in, If I want it, Im gonna do it regardless. That's the the American dream!
I was in a bad car accident one time, so I don't like to do "extreme" things like that. I want to go ride a horse very fast, though. A local place said that they allow you to go up to a "canter," which is about 17 MPH. Also, and this may sound dorky, but I want to go to a medieval or Renaissance fair once.
That's the beauty of the old American dream. I get to do what puts a smile on my face you you just the same whatever you choose to do. The right to pursuit of happiness! What I wont do and will never, Fly in a plane, Big or small. 1) I cant control it/fly it so I could not attempt to save my life, I want to go under my own terms. 2) They let muslims shit birds and other 'groups' through, But am American has to bend over and get a full cavity search? Who are they, To tell me what I can or cant do? The writer of the rules, Is always exempt from them. So I save time and trouble and drive. Cost a bit more, But I have seen some badass places that you have to be there at the right time to enjoy the beauty. I only ride horse power lmao, But we have a horse. Never rode one and again, Most likely never will. If I get hurt, I want it to be from a dirt bike or quad, Not a stupid animal I cant control. But if you want to run flat out, Just find a place and or just break from the pack in a field and let it run. Its only 25+/- so not a big step and will wind you're horse. But yeah, The feeling if fleeing as fast as possible on the old school transportation. Do and go where ya want dude, YOLO and have no regrets.
American dream... lol Like George Carlin said, it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
Who are you calling a good girl? I almost take offense to that. To stay on topic: Zen out in nature, read and write, research various topics of interest. Etc, etc...
I know its lost and pointless cause, But I have been able to stay off the grid and do exactly what I want so its close to the 'dream' lol. I just don't want to lay in an old folks home 'if' I make it that long and and say 'I should have????' when I was young. I want to say im here because I did X and broke that and body has givin out.
How do you stay off the grid? Do you have refrigeration and air-conditioning? Do you have any electricity at all and if so, how do you get it?
you know by virtue of your activity here, you are not completely "off the grid" in the sense of not being traceable, which is what "living off the grid" actually implies, not just producing your own electricity and water. plus you have to getting internet access from some ISP, so again, not "off the grid".
reminds me of the guy who got into a fight with himself on the bus once........a literal physical fight.with himself and he talked in two different voices as he argued and fought with himself. Crazy shit I tell ya. He was too preoccupied with himself to engage in any conversation with me...LOL
Why would anyone desire to be off the grid? What is the purpose? I thought about it once, and then realized there is no point. Why not just hook up to a utility. What does it matter if my energy is being produced at someone else's generator or not? How do you produce your own electricity? Or do you live off gas? What is the practical or philosophical purpose of wanting to live off the grid?
Just to say that you did? Is there any moral or philosophical purpose behind it? How do you generate your electricity?
Not there yet but electric will be solar... I don't want to be paying exorbitant prices for electric when I can make my own. I don't owe some rich CEO's kid a Bentley. My heat is wood, I'm on a well, once I acquire solar electric I'll be where I need to be. I'll keep my phone (land line) and DSL
My dad is 20% owner of an electricity and gas supply company that makes $1,000,000 profit per month. Lol. It's called American Power and Gas. I would post the link to their web site but I don't think I'm allowed to. They buy electricity and gas from a giant company called Electricité de France (EDF) and re-sell it. As if I needed anything else to make me an outcast on this forum. But just to clarify, it wasn't always this way. I didn't grow up rich or anything like that. This just happened in the past few years. Personally, I live in a trailer and drive a 2000 Camry Solara with over 200,000 miles on it.