What Did You Eat Today That Was Delicious?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Pressed_Rat, Sep 28, 2015.

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  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Since we have a what did you COOK today thread, how about a what did you EAT today (with an emphasis on foods which are delicious and indulgent) thread.

    Tonight I had these two slices (550 calories per slice) of peanut butter brownie pie from Wegmans which were freakin' awesome!!

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My gf bought me a corn dog to cheer me up. :)
    And it really worked lol. I was very much excited, she said it was surprise two on her shopping trip. When I first looked at it I thought it was an Italian sweet pastry with the cream inside and powder sugar, and I thought it was cute. But then I smelled them a few minutes later and I was like OMG..

    So yummy. :)
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  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    That sounds very good.

    I love a good pastry.
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  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    spinacopita and a salad topped with feta, in a little greek restaurant, catticorner from a laundramat i went to yesterday. my today is only just beginning and i haven't eaten yet, but i'm sure whatever i do will be wonderful.
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  5. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I haven't eaten today yet so ill take this time to speak for all of us: What is happening?!?! Whatever happened to the good ol days of ketosis?
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  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I don't do the low carb thing anymore. Just six months ago I thought it was the best diet a person could be on, but after a while I didn't get as much out of it, and I came to find it unnecessarily restrictive. I was buying into a lot of the hype, and indeed there are some great benefits to being on a low carb ketogenic diet for a lot of people who have eaten a Standard American Diet for many years and may be suffering from some metabolic damage. But there is no real reason to be on a low carb, much less ketogenic diet unless you're obese or insulin resistant, neither of which I am. I now incorporate a fair amount of carbs into my diet from fruit, as well as starchy carbs like rice. I also follow a 90/10 compliance rule, where I don't really have to give too much of a shit about what I eat 10% of the time, as long as I eat "clean" the remaining 90% of the time. Overall, this approach is much more enjoyable, and I have been seeing much better results at the gym and in terms of my overall body composition. It's great to be able to eat some of the foods I like once or twice a week while getting leaner, instead of taking an ultra-rigid approach to dieting which only creates a bunch of unnecessary stress and neurotic behavior.

    I no longer see sugar as being evil. It's all in the context of the degree to which it is consumed. Sugar can actually have a therapeutic effect on the body, whereas long-term ketosis has shown to invoke a stress response. I would still recommend a low carb or ketogenic diet to someone who is obese and has not seen results with conventional diets, as I think they are very effective for moderate to severe obesity.

    It's so much better to be metabolically flexible and able to readily utilize both ketones and glucose. I am very athletic and work out at least 6 days per week, so my body derives greater benefit from carbs, whereas a more sedentary person does not need as many carbs to sustain their energy output.

    I hope that answers your question.
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  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    cool, I was wondering what changed your mind. I can see how any restrictive diet could be less effective over time. It definitely can't hurt to treat yourself occasionally.

    plus, bread. I hardly ever eat sweets but i love bread so damn much
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    It's good to eat the foods you like. It makes life more enjoyable for sure. Plus, it is great to be able to enjoy beer again, which I missed more than anything.'

    Now, unlike before, I don't really view foods as good or bad. Anything can be bad in excess, but is probably OK if you are otherwise healthy and eat mostly unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods.
  9. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Twizzlers, I had three and they were good.

    Probably one of the few candies from childhood that I still eat sometimes. :)
  10. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Pressed rat will be a vegan next month
  11. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    All I've eaten so far is a fruit salad I made. Pineapple, oranges, apple, grapes and banana.
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  12. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I had a good luck pb&j before my big day.
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  13. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Hahah.... doubtful.
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  14. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I tapped into my inner white girl this morning and my first chai, pumpkin flavored. Damn, it was good.
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  15. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I hope you were wearing yoga pants!
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  16. Tacos with meat soaked in au jus. Three of them for free, because I work at a cafe. And homemade potato chips.
  17. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Today i had spanakopita from a really good vegetarian restaurant, and a slice of their lasagne! It wasn't super unhealthy but it was all pretty cheesy. I'm probably also going to have a wee bit of butterscotch ice cream soon.


    Chai sounds like an Indian thing to me, but pumpkin flavored anything is super white I guess.
  18. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    There's only food and non-food

    Lol, that might be as close as you can get to being non-food and still be food. ;-b

    Ha ha, I do like twizzlers though...I don't buy them but I'll usually eat them when offered.
  19. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Which, to me, would be heavily processed junk foods, which I avoid. My main indulgences are fresh-baked pastries and ice cream. I avoid shit like potato chips and other processed snack food, but even those are not necessarily unhealthy unless you make a steady diet of them.
  20. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    a full day has passed and I have eaten nothing delicious :( just a couple of mediocre meals
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