i killed a legendary bear, then switched games and destroyed two human cities. soon i think i might take a shower and accomplish something that isn't on my tv screen.
*laundry and ironing *put casserole in slow cooker for dinner *watched some TV *started a new book *went for a big walk
I went for 3 walks. Feeling a bit bloated after a big Saturday night. I also managed not to vape as much as I normally would, without any withdrawals either. So that's good. It was a test.
510 cans and bottles to the recycling centre. €51.00 earned. So far this year we have recycled a total of 2,227 cans and bottles for a €222.70 earned.
I destroyed my enemy on the field of battle. Ok, I killed a wasp (or hornet maybe?) in my bathroom, but that didn't sound as impressive. Truthfully, i thought all those creepy crawly bugs were dead this time of year.
I have enrollment forms to fill out and email back in. But what i did was a bunch of chores that needed to be done
I just whacked my friggin shin against the coffee table again Thats twice today I have whacked my shin against something And why is it always right in the middle where it hurts the most?, its never on the side, no, never up near the knee, no
Got my kitty’s vet appointment sorted. On his anniversary of him getting fixed and chipped. He is getting vaccinated