A few months ago I got a gastroenterology and fluoroscopy done. They both showed that my stomach muscles weren't working to digest food. Basically, from my limit understanding the food I eat just stays in my stomach. Which results in upset stomach, such as nausea, cramping, bloating, and just downright piercing pain. It also results in decrease in appetite, because let's be real... who is hungry when their stomach is at war with you? Anyways, the doctors gave me Metoclopramide, but what really helps me or at least what I think really helps me is the painkiller they also prescribed, which is Tramadol. Tramadol not only soothe my stomach, but it helps me eat. I honestly think if it wasn't for Tramadol I would stop eating altogether. Okay, Tramadol and weed. Anyways, I'm not going lie... it's no way to live, taking Tramadol just to get by. I have had many crying nights and incidents in which my family had to go to the pharmacy at 3AM to get "my medicine" like in those horror movies. Basically, what is important here is to get a diagnosis and get treatment to terminate the problem or at least make it more bearable. But, the thing is that the doctors never gave me a diagnosis. They just gave me the medicine. I think it's because they're still checking me out and maybe it's too early to give me a diagnosis. I have heard stories of people waiting years to get a diagnosis, so maybe I have to wait years. All in all, what do you think might results in stomach upset (nausea, cramping, bloating, piercing pain) and decrease in appetite. I also have fatigue, sore throat, soreness/heaviness of the body (The kind of feeling you get when you have a cold or the flu). Also, I started bleeding from my gums and getting bad breath. Tramadol appears to help with this as well. I joke that I'm being embalmed. But, seriously, I think my insides are turning into mush. Does anyone think this sounds like Crohn's Disease, maybe Fibromyalgia? Of course, my father had stomach cancer, so that can also be a possibility, but I doubt it's that serious. Lalalalalalalalala, I'm dying. "kicks rock". ***EDIT*** I also have the occasional fever, but I haven't had my last one since last month. People have told me that I feel really hot when I'm cold. It feels like I'm incapable of regulating my body temperature. Again, Tramadol helps.
Anxiety/stress/depression can all cause stomach issues. Whats your current diet look like? And what did your diet look like leading up to all of this? How was your mental health leading up to all of this? I don't know much about Crohns disease or fibromyalgia so i'm kind of taking a different approach as you can see.
Nothing you mentioned says Fibromyalgia, what makes you think it's that? Secondly Tramadol is in part an SNRI which is an antidepressant... a very scary antidepressant. You do not EVER want to run out or the withdrawals will kick in. You also don't want to take it recreationally or the seizures will kick in. It sounds to me like you are hunting and fishing for reasons to get a drug you shouldn't be taking in the first place.
^ i dunno, it sounds like she already has the drug and wants to know why. which, i have no idea. if the doctors can't figure it out, i sure can't. i know someone with a cyst somewhere on his insides that causes some of the same symptoms, but not enough for me to say that's likely to be the problem.
The tramadol is just masking all the symptoms. It isn't actually helping you. You should be working with your doctor to figure out the underlying cause, not just taking a painkiller to hide the symptoms. The doctors really should be doing more tests.
What's your current diet look like? I eat very little and I'm a vegetarian. And what did your diet look like leading up to all this? I was still a vegetarian. However, before all this started my vegetarian lifestyle did lean more towards veganism because eggs and stuff like that usually freak me out. These days I do eat more dairy to see if that helps. Before all this started I would eat a lot, often times overeat for my small structure. Maybe I fucked up my stomach from all the times I overate. ??? Anyways, I preferred home cooked meals over fast food. I do love me some fried food and I do stick to the same foods/meals. So, I have to catch myself doing that and force myself to change every now and again. I don't know, overall I think I have a standard American diet. Not too healthy, not too unhealthy. How was your mental health leading up to all of this? I'm actually more depressed now than I was before. With all the weird medical tests that I have take, to thinking that I need to medicate myself for the rest of my life 'just to get by', to simply not knowing what is wrong, and to experiencing all this physical pain... yea, I'm not going to lie... I've been crying a lot more than usual. But, I was generally content before. I wouldn't say happy, but I wasn't depressed. At least, I don't think so.
I think you are experiencing the sore throat, fever, fatigue, because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs to keep your immune system strong and healthy. You need to find a way to get the vitamins your body needs, into your system, so they can help make you strong.
I've been doing my own research and matching up what I have been experiencing with disorders. Fibromyalgia, Crohn's Disease, cancer (fucking a lot of different ones), and addiction to Tramadol, like you mentioned are all on my top list. But, I'm ignorant to all of this, so I don't know. I'm just throwing things out there. For all I know, this is just really bad gas. Lol! Anyways, I did talk to my doctor about the concern that I was addicted to Tramadol and that I thought that's why I was experiencing all of this. However, she assured me that the amount I'm taking and how often I take it is certainly not signs of an addiction and withdrawal. Just in case, though... I did cut my pills in half and I have been keeping track of my doses. Just in case, you know.
I did start taking vitamins. I never was one who thought you needed vitamins as a vegetarian or vegan. I'm a full believer you can get everything you need from a plant base diet. But, I'm trying anything nowadays.
well you can, but you have to put more work into it to make sure you're covering all the bases. and if you eat very little and often eat the same meals, as you said you do, it's conceivable that you could be missing something.
What is the difference nowadays though. You can research all this stuff online. GPs will just use trial and error for a set of symptoms And most GPs are people that werent smart enough to be surgeons. You work out later as you get older and have to visit doctors for more reasons that most GPs are useless, even specialists for the most never want to stick their neck out. Always best to investigate yourself
Well, I know you're a poster that makes fun of others and things, and considering the stuff I'm experiencing as to do with digestion... I would assume those pills are great to give me explosive diarrhea and vomiting.
I hope so too. This has been going on for almost two years and it has gotten worse since thrn. Anyways, thanks for your well wishes.
Yea, I already had the drug for a few years before all this stuff happened. I had it for random joint/muscle pain on my legs after falling into the crack between the train and the terminal. I didn't even take it that much even though I was in crutches. I started taking it a lot after I got ill like this. But, I did do research, you can get addicted to this medication and my illness do sound like withdrawal. However, my illness sound like a bunch of other things.
I just wonder what kind of medical condition can cause the muscles in your stomach to just stop working. Must be a rare medical condition because the doctors gave me that puzzled, yet amazed, yet pity look. They were puzzled because they don't know what could be causing this. They're amazed at how much food I have in my stomach despite not eating for a good 12 hours. And they feel bad because they know I feel like crap, with that much food being lodged in my stomach. It took three years for doctors to figure out I was born with another rare medical condition. I mean they knew before I was born that I would be born with something. They told my mom to get an abortion because I would be cogetitvely and physically delayed. But, they couldn't pinpoint the exact medical condition until I was three or so. And when I was a teenager they told me that they might have been wrong with the diagnosis they gave my mom. So, I think this will be a drawn out journey before I figure out anything.