I was planning on some beauty pampering. Face mask, hair mask, shaving, etc. But, I'm not feeling so great, physically speaking. I think I'm coming down with something. So, I fear that if I go into the tub I will fall asleep, and die there. I don't mind dying. I just don't want to die naked, anywhere near a bathroom. That's just not cool.
Ah, you went there? I wish I was a ten year old girl to make you feel like a douchebag for telling me that it's cool if I die.
If I Knew The Answer, I Would Not Have Posed The Question In The First Place.....WTF...... Cheers Glen.
Yes Now That You Mention It I Am Confused.........And You Appear To Be The Source Of My Problem...... :wall: Cheers Glen.
I spent my Saturday sleeping a little and then having a night shift hangover. My weekends are so boring, I have my kid one weekend then work the other. I had last Sunday off work to myself but that's because I was sick In all honesty, I do feel lucky to have a good stable job in these times though.
To be honest you are being a bit insensitive especially after the OP said she was feeling a bit iffy today, a bit knackered, and on the verge of producing a pavement pizza Hotwater
I'm Sorry, In Future I Will Consult With The OP As To Her Welfare Before Responding To Her Posts. Thank You for Drawing This To My Attention. Cheers Glen.
I took my soon to be 16 yo to see Deadpool. Then made a new recipe that I saw on Pinterest. (It was OK, I will make again with a few tweaks). Chatted on the phone with a fella while I was partaking in an online FB parry for a particular style of clothes I like. All in all, a low key night and I enjoyed the time with my boys. My older son remarked that it was the first time in awhile that they spent the entire weekend with me. *sigh* Divorce and visitation....I know a few can relate.
It's Sunday but I can talk Saturday. Yesterday I made some oatmeal, then went and voted, then took my son to the park. I showed him what a swinging queen I am. So I was swinging super high in the sky and he decides to jump off his swing and run in front of mine where I promptly clobbered him with my legs on the down swing. I knocked him over, all the parents stared at me like I was a god awful parent even though I was the only one actually playing with my kid instead of buried in my iphone. He cried for a while, I cried tears of deep guilt, checked for a concussion, and took him to get a milkshake. We came home and did some art projects. Mine later came completely apart when I tried to nail the wall bracket on the back so I get to do it all again today. I also spent all day pumping myself up to overcome some crippling social anxiety and go on a girls night out. My boyfriend didn't get home to relieve me of parenting duties until like 9, at this point they said they were having one more drink then heading back to someone's house. I figured I would meet them at their house since they were only having one more drink downtown. 3 hours later I get a text saying they were headed back to the girl's house. At this point I was 3 episodes deep into Fuller House and feeling super introverted so I just went to bed. That's all I have to say about that.
I got drunk with my partner and a friend. We tried to film a sketch in which my friend is trying to tel me about a how his sister died during a visit to an aquarium and I try to comfort him while making loads of fish-related puns until he gets really mad and kicks me out for being insensitive. I dread to think what the footage looks like in the cold, hard light of the day after.
i worked, then i went to the bar and played pool for much longer than i meant to. it's hard to stop when everyone else refuses to win any games.
lets see, that was yeasterday. went to the store to resupply milk. got a couple of hard candy type things and a couple of solar garden lights. have a project for parts from them one of these days if i ever get around to it. 99cent store. had a double no cheese with a salad instead of fries at a windy's on the way. and a nice little walk in the process. it was a super nice day in the morning when i went. got back around noon and spent the afternoon working on art and related things on the computer like i do every day. wish more of my little refrigerator was freezer. next saturday zootopia ought to be playing somewhere. although that would probably be the worst most crowded day to go. i don't know. where i live it might not be until weeks later before it shows up here. saturdays just aren't that special to me. they're just a day with less busses then monday through friday, but more then sundays or holydays. i'm glad most of the places i've worked, like my dad when i was little and living with my parents, days off have been in the middle of the week when stores were open and public transportation provided best service. and not so many crowds of humans.