What are we all doing for the environment????

Discussion in 'Recycling' started by GentleHeartLamb, May 28, 2004.

  1. GentleHeartLamb

    GentleHeartLamb Member

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    Me I am recycleing and always trowing out my trash in a bin and not on the ground also when I was in high school the club I was part of we do a day where we go around picking up trash but I plan on doing more.
  2. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    Well, I'm not doing much just sitting here at my computer. I'm using nuclear power, which pollutes the enviroment... does that count?
  3. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    What he said, except I'm eating overly packaged snack food that was produced in factories that are raping Earth as we speak. Does that count?
  4. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    High five max!
  5. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    Run my truck on veg oil.Walk more than i drive.Use less Nuke power after going off the grid as best as i can at the farm.And clean up a three mile road of trash that i recycle it afterwards.
  6. GentleHeartLamb

    GentleHeartLamb Member

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    good for you we all should be doing good for this enviroment but thoes who don't want it's your choice I can't make you do anything just we sould all take care of our mother earth
  7. tom

    tom Member

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    I dump my used motor oil down the storm drains. Don't want it ending up in a landfill.
  8. GentleHeartLamb

    GentleHeartLamb Member

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    There are ways to safely dispose of used motor oil poring it down the storm drain is no good it pollutes the enviroment but maybe do don't know of any other ways to get rid of it.
  9. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    More and more these days i see recycleing getting better.Still along way to go though.But i see more people doing it at many age groups than before.Once it was just the younger groups but now at least were i am at you see more 60 to 70 year olds doing.It might be just to get out but ether way the outcome is great.It all starts with us then grows.What a day it will be when this is considered old school thought.
  10. tom

    tom Member

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    Ah, don't worry. I also use it for all my cooking needs (french fries, fried eggs, muffins for the kiddies) so it doesn't all go down the drain. Better that than vegetable oil. Save The Corn!
  11. GentleHeartLamb

    GentleHeartLamb Member

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    yuck how could you think of doing that :eek:
  12. Gabino

    Gabino Member

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    I recycle cans.
    I garden almost entirely organically.
    I drive a small car that gets over 30 mpg.

    I also support nuclear power {the cleanest sort} and wish that there was a way to use more solar power, but in most of the nation it isn't practical {too cold and too cloudy}.
  13. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    either i messed up (probably) or someone deleted (unlikely) my post ..... anyway GHL are you realy shoked or just going along with the apparent joke that a couple of naughty people are having...

    don't do enough
    should do more :eek:
    not as bad as some :sunglasse
    too lazy to do more
  14. beachbum7

    beachbum7 Lookin' for any fun

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    What am I doing for the environment? Not enough - I think not eating meat is an easy and good step.
  15. earthy44

    earthy44 Member

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    1. I simply BUY LESS. The more you buy, the more you use. This goes for clothes, tools, food, dishes, knick-knacks, paper, plastic ect.
    2. If you must buy, BUY USED if possible. Pick up a washer and dryer at a yard sale. Furniture from a friend who doesn't want it anymore. Tools from your neighbor or family member that doesn't use them anymore. YARD SALES YARD SALES YARD SALES. The more you BUY the more you CONSUME.
    3. Go organic. Food is one of the major ways we waste away the planet. From the caustic pesticides that seep into the ground water and deplete the topsoil, to the massive packaging that is wasted on individual ramen noodle cups! Buy with as little packaging as you can and pick up some good sturdy tupperware that will last instead of packaged everything! Organic is the best way to go, but it is understandable if you can't afford it. Do what you can and be concious!
    4. Walk, bike, run where you can. If you can switch to bio-diesel (used vegetable oil as was mentioned earlier) Great! It pollutes less, burns cleaner, and gets better gas mileage than conventional gas.
    5. RECYCLE! Recycling as actually not the most efficient way to help the planet, but it does help. If you don't have recycling at your house, see if your school or work does. Then ask if you can bring it there to recycle.
    6. REUSE! Don't throw away that container you had your chinese in! You can clean it out and use it again!
    I could go on and on but I will stop here. Get involved, support local and national environmental groups. Yay Trees!
  16. sugrmag

    sugrmag Uber Nerd

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    Earthy44, your #1 and #2 are prolly the most important. I don't think one thing in my house isn't second-hand.

    Reducing your waste is a lot easier than you would think. Buy in bulk, don't put your fruits & veggies in those plastic baggies at the grocery store. Bring your own bags, reuse empty glass jars as drinking glasses or to store things in. Don't buy individually packaged products...a package of 6 single serving yogurts, for example. Buy a big container, instead.
    Compost your kitchen waste!
    Parents, don't buy disposable diapers
    Don't buy those use once and throw away cleaning products.
    Don't buy cleaning products! Most everything can be cleaned with baking soda and vinegar.
    Visit www.care2.com, it has a gazillion tips to live a little more environmentally friendly.
  17. Eurpancreas

    Eurpancreas Member

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    earthy44:"3. Go organic. Food is one of the major ways we waste away the planet. From the caustic pesticides that seep into the ground water and deplete the topsoil, to the massive packaging that is wasted on individual ramen noodle cups! Buy with as little packaging as you can and pick up some good sturdy tupperware that will last instead of packaged everything! Organic is the best way to go, but it is understandable if you can't afford it. Do what you can and be concious!"

    You touched on a hot button issue for me. Buying organic isnt better for the environment. It can even be worse. If you want to help the environment with your diet:
    1. give up meat (inefficient land use)
    2. Buy local. Much food (including organic) is produced overseas and pollution is generated by merely transporting it.

    Sometimes organic farmers care for the land more earnestly. But organic farming is generally less efficient (because its low tech) so more land is used to feed you. Also organic farmers still use pesticides, so theres not much difference there.
    My main point is that its better to buy local than to buy organic.
  18. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    I have always thought that ... just seemed like nice idea but rather twisted logic ...

    Does any any one have the least hypocritical solutions on the best way to be enviromentaly observant ... ???
  19. xscoutx

    xscoutx Member

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    here's what we're doing for the earth: walking and bicycling just about everywhere, eating vegetarian, using reusable 'feminine hygene products', and recycling. also, all the furniture we have is second hand (except our futon). yay!
  20. GentleHeartLamb

    GentleHeartLamb Member

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    There are so many of us doing good in this world we can learn from each other thanks for the many tips that I have not thought of doing and thanks for reminding about other things that I am doing but never really thought about.
    Keep up the good work all of you.

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