Hey there guys and gurls, haven't been around, or at least posted on here for literally years now... Thought I should say something. Had a room in an apartment for 3 or 4 years, eventually got fuckd off, and lost the place. Lost basically all my posessions in the process. I was too obsessed with drugs to care about much of anything else during that whole time, like video games, hipforums, or girls. During the short period afterward where I had nowhere to go really, I wandered into a house who had an unlocked door, just looking for a place to sleep for the night. Took a small amount of some food from the place, crashed out in the backyard (or tried to more less) when shortly after a group of cops came searching throughout. I thought I was pretty well hidden at the time, but apparently I was not. That wound me up in jail for 6 fantastic months, which was a first for me kicking in 5 years. So anyways, now I am doing alright I guess, got a pretty dope whip, and I have been basically clean for the bigger part of a year now, being on probation and all. I admit, in a way it is quite a blessing, considering the things like I seem to not always be on the brink of being broke like how it was before. Also feel like I am not portrayed as a shitbag junky. Besides those things, though, everything is a lot more boring without the mind altering tools, and everything is quite more so simple/ordinary. While when I was wasting every cent on drugs, I felt a lot more satisfied with my time, like life had quite more meaning/purpose to it. With all of that said, I do understand that drugs are not a great answer in the bigger picture, although I do believe that picking them up again here and there may do wonders for the overall quality of life. These days, pretty much all I do is just smoke cigarettes all day every day to compensate for all the lack of substances I do, and it seems a bit worse, really, health-wise. I don't have the same passion that I used to for house music, either. I am sure that some of you remember how much I enjoyed that shit. I mean its still like my favorite music genre, just that I am not getting as much deep euphoric vibe from it like I used to. Anyhow, really am not meaning to sound like the negative Nancy complaining rant that this is turning into probably, just trying to say that life is a bit ordinary right now, mabey too much so. Mabey its for the better though. Main thing that has any real significance lately is my sweet ride. So at least that is something. How have you guys been?
Well.....Here's A "Blast From The Past" If Ever I Saw One......Welcome Back Stranger..... Cheers Glen.
I light a smoke and hope for the best but sometimes that cigarette is just smoke in the chest, I lay in bed, I want nothing to do with all the rest and instead as use that as an escape from all the mess.
Welcome back With the recent passing of my wife on June 4th '18, hf members have given me more support than I could possibly imagined. I have many highs n lows, but the highs are taking over by storm. I'm already looking forward to New Year's Eve Nineteen. Hope that you enjoy your re-stay.
For anyone else that doesnt want to read all that. The summary: Drugs are bad, he ended up little spoon to some big hairy guy in prison, something about Nancy, he has a car now
Welcome back Maybe you could find something that is exciting and gives you an adrenaline rush but doesnt ruin your life like drugs Mountain climbing? Motorcycle driving? Skydiving? Bullriding? Carpe diem dude
I can't help thinking that if wasting every cent on drugs made me feel life was worthwhile and had meaning, I'd do it. I'd feel the opposite,so I don't. If you get clean and discover life is much more than you'd known, that's great. If you find it's boring and you've lost appreciation for music you love, well it doesn't sound like you're in a place to do some great thing that you wouldn't have done before, what's the point? But hey this is bad advice. Stay off the drugs and all that. If you CAN pick them up here and there then that's probably okay but I guess a lot of addicts would find the putting them down here and there too hard.
Fuck, I miss drugs. It's like an old dead dog... Only I could resurrect the beast if I wanted... restrain....RESTRAIN!!!
Yeah thanks guys. Honestly though, even though I have done 6 honest months, I am dabbling again. Ohhh Nooo Dacre what are you doing???? Haha. Well yeh I am on probation now, but on the day of my piss test I have been doing some meth again. (2nd time back on it today) Its purely my decision, I am aware of the risks I am taking, but its just soo worth it. Last time I did it was when I made this thread. Haha Its funny, I only feel like coming here n posting when under the influence. The day I posted this thread I got in a boss fuckin race in ma audi, which I was versing a porche… Dude let me drive it after, too. Thing had some beast ass power. Good to see the old hf crew here, only people that I han't recognized is tumbling dice, quark and im confused. Fuckin noob Gtfo!! Haha just joshhin ye don't sweat it, people around here remember how much I fuck around... Nice to meet yas. Anywways sorry if I disappoint anybody with this post, I mean at least I am not the every day heroin addict that I was... Suboxone really does quite a good job for what its for. I mean I can live my life and not be constantly down and feeling rash because of it. Btw, considering my mental circumstance at the momento, I am getting down hard right now to my lost love for house muziccccc! haha. May make some of ya smile to read that. God damn, the shabs are mostly worth it BECAUSE it gets me back into the house music. Otherwise, I seemingly forget in a way how much love I really have for the shit. So bottom line is, that the risk I am putting myself in, is worth it because I can enjoy the music I love again to the extent that I really want. I know its fucking terrible, and I am no better of an influence these days. But it is really nice to be able to come here and vent whatever is really going on with me. Especially since I have to keep it all secretive in real life. Good hearing from ya vanilla (righteous soccer mom?), glen (awesome gay guy whose always nice/polite), hotwats (very informative philosophical black man), and of course immy underwear(hilarious motherfuck). Anythe fuck what, I will try to hang around, you guys, but my sober life consists mostly of going to NA meetings, and watching Netflix, not all too much else. I'll go post in a diff thread now then. Peace.