Fred Phelps, head hate-monger of Westboro Baptist Church is reported to be at death's door.
His daughter, Shirley Phelps Roper, and her daughters are rabid. They won't stop when he dies. It's been said that he was ex-communicated from the church in August anyway.
No, they're freaks and they get attention and money for it. Like trash they are. I just stopped in to see if the fucker was really dead. Changed my mind. Hope the sick bastard lingers...
Wonder if Freddie Fred realized what the number 88 means in some circles. Huuuummmm. We should have our own sign on this site. PREPARE TO MEET THY MOD
I wouldn't care if the atrophy of looming death caused him to shit his pants and choke on his own tongue. Such a piece of shit should be so lucky to die so peacefully. A beating would be more fitting.
I say good riddance. Oddly enough I just posted in a thread about "the afterlife"...oh yeah, I personally think Mr. Phelps will get what he so richly deserves on the other side. :nasty smile: People like his daughter and grand-daughters are scary and have :devil: beside them, I think.
I watched a series of videos the daughter and granddaughters did speaking to a college classroom. They were mean and hateful as pure hell.
An on-line friend of mine here in Atlanta wrote this: It has been said that we are not punished FOR our hatred or for the things we think, say or do. We are punished BY the things we bring into our lives and introduce into the lives of others. If it does not relieve suffering at the very least or, preferably, bring happiness, I want no part of it. Fred Phelps, you created a sham church, filled with your clan. You made a decision to utilize the Civil Rights Act as a means to extort money for purported violations of your right to free speech and assembly. You then toured the nation displaying signs emblazoned with the most vile crap you could think up and sued anyone who tried to shut you up. Thank you. Seriously. Thank you. You put in bold print what many were thinking. You started with "God hates Fags". Many people agreed with you - some still do. But then you did something brilliant. You made a clown of yourself. You picketed funerals and then funerals of soldiers. You were literally the poster child of god hates fags and you made yourself a mockery. The people who had blindly followed the church stopped in their tracks and reconsidered their worldview. They stopped following. They started thinking for themselves again. People started thinking for themselves because Fred Phelps held up a mirror and forced them to see the hatred they carried in themselves and they didn't care for what they saw. Fred, I understand your time here is comming to a close. Thank you to your service to humanity. You played the sacred clown. You played the gadfly. You forced people to look at themselves, to think for themselves. That is an invaluable gift. Your signs and followers split churches, split society. You made us pick sides and care. Thank you. Godspeed.