Were the moon landings faked?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by verseau_miracle, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    The shadow of Buzz Aldrin is far longer than it should be with only one fixed light source (the sun) as seen from the lunar landers mounted camera.

    It's a faaaaaaaaake :mad:

  2. USA in decline

    USA in decline Member

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    We Know It Was Fake The Russians Keept Mouth Shut Becouse They Also Were Planing A Fake Moon Land.
  3. Columbo

    Columbo Senior Member

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    It happens to be cuz he's standing on a mound that is elevated at least 2 ft higher than the other person. Also you would have to take into account the exact position of the sun - since the sun is not shown in the picture you cannot be serious about the observation you make.
    If this is faked and theres two light sources - where are the other shadows ?- each object should have 2 shaddows. Also the fact that YOU say its faked doesnt mean it is faked - where are your certificates in photographic forensics - I'd like to see what qualifications you have before I accept your judgement.

    ellisdtrip said
    this ones good too

    also this
  4. Chris Jury

    Chris Jury Member

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    50 people here think it's faked? Seriously, are there that many consipiracy theorists out there?
  5. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Haven't you ever seen the sun low in the sky, and casting long shadows? cmon, give me a hard one.

    I know the moon landings were real. I grew up around the space program. My dad was in the space program. I know astronauts who have been there. I have seen moon rocks with microscopic 'craters' in them from when solar wind particles smashed into them. That doesn't happen on the earth. I know the technology that got us there, and know it was certainly capable of bringing us there.

    It was a magnificent achievement. I know some of you out there have a hard time accepting that America is capable of doing something great, but it's a fact, we did it, and we are going to do it again.
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    sounds stupid didnt they leave something on the surface of the moon there cant be spotted with a powerful spy satellite.. Like the flag posted there or the rover?.. A fly by with a satellite would end the controversy, but to that can be faked also..
  7. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    50 people here think it's faked? Seriously, are there that many consipiracy theorists out there?

    About 25% of people responding believed it to have been faked. Notice that it's the same percentage that still supports this idiot warmonger president.
  8. mykittyhasaboner

    mykittyhasaboner Member

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    of course they did, NASA didnt accomplish much early on in the space race, and they couldnt lose to the big bad USSR, so they had to fake it. im sure that nasa HAS landed on the moon, but not with apollo, and the films are bullshit.
  9. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    of course they did, NASA didnt accomplish much early on in the space race, and they couldnt lose to the big bad USSR, so they had to fake it.

    Though I strongly disagree, at least this assertion sort of supports the claim. America's space program was ajoke (Tom Wolfe had a blast in "The Right Stuff," describing the embarrassing failures). Everything we built blew up, and the Soviets were way ahead. When Kennedy gave his "before this decade is out" speech, the only reason that the entire room didn't burst out in laughter is that Kennedy was stating a goal too outlandish to even laugh at.

    im sure that nasa HAS landed on the moon, but not with apollo, and the films are bullshit.

    My wife saw Apollo 11 go up; I saw Apollo 17 go up. Quite a sight/sound even from miles away. The energy exerted in that launch was quite obvious, and I have little doubt that it (reaching escape velocity) was the most technically difficult part of the project. What I mean is, anyone that could send that thing up with all that grandiosity could certainly put a man on the moon.

    My older brother does work on the Space Shuttle, and has met probably every astronaut (one he knew from back in the 1960s!), and I just have no doubts at all. Besides, all questions about shadows, etc., in photos, have been answered and explained.
  10. memo

    memo Member

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    I don't know. I wasn't there. All I have to go on is the history books and stock footage. I don't buy into the conspiracies, but I'm not going to believe something just because it's the widely held belief.

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