Last year and earlier this year Boris, Theresa May and many others within the scumbag 'nasty party' were full of fullsome praise for Fracking and how we need it for our enegy supplies. Notwithstanding that many local communities affected and environmental supporters said that fracking wasn't safe. Despite earlier earth tremors, Quadrilla continued with their exploration in north of the country with the full support of the scumbag 'nasty party' and managed to trigger yet more earth quakes earlier this year. Now the whole of the scumbag 'nasty party's' attitude to fracking has miraculously changed. Must be a General Election in the offing !!!
It's not the earth quakes that's the problem VG... it's the way the government and quadrilla lied about what was obvious! But some like to make more of it than it is.. I live in Lancashire.. it has tremors all the time, it's because of the old pits.. I lived near the old pits years ago, you could hear the wind, voices.. you name it. Now I actually live on an old pit.. dont hear a thing.. But why people get annoyed at conservatives lieing I dont know.. it's what they do! Always have! Labour, well, the worse there has ever been.. Boris knows exactly what he is doing.. Well, your not going to get many voting for all those women, are you? I wouldnt! Oh, happy birthday VG xxx
We like ponds, it's so bloody wet here it would fill up with water, and then build a park around it.. lol