Vice President of north American operations came in to deliver the news. They cited the digitalization of educational curriculum and the cost of operating our location as the reasons why. One guy had a heart attack and had to be taken away in an ambulance. We have 1 year and 2 weeks to find somewhere else to work. Both me and my girl. A year is a good amount of time to find a new place. Our moving to a bigger apartment has to be put on hold until we have more reliable bearings on our future. 160 people are predicted to loose their jobs because of this. As soon as i get compensation time in January im going to start looking. I really like working here. Maybe its a sign. Idk.
That sucks, but maybe you'll like the job you end up with even more. Are you willing to relocate? Sometimes it can be hard when lots of people with similar skill-sets are all looking for similar jobs in the same area.
very surprised it didnt get ugly.. maybe one reasons it didnt , people probably didnt like working there in the first place.. last I heard you was under-paid..
That is never easy news to hear. Even though a change can be a good thing the time of uncertainty is always difficult. Start looking and keep busy as often people become depressed when faced with this situation. I hope that something better comes your way in the very near future.
Rough news, especially to get around the holidays. A year and two weeks is a good amount of lead time though. A lot more than they would be required to give by law. Certainly seems less ruthless than some employers out there. I would say save up your cash as much as possible and try to get new work sooner rather than later. Hope that things work out for you and everyone at the warehouse!
Gosh I am so sorry to hear that news It's terrible to hear stuff like this. I wish you all the best and I'm sure everything will come out fine. At least they gave you a good amount of time.
That sucks but I'm sure you can make something happen in a year. When the CEO of my old company showed up (with armed security btw) to announce our jobs were being outsourced to India, 2500+ people lost their jobs within 2 months.
Yeah that really sucks. I've seen many people discharged on the spot for similar reasons. Without notice, without severance. I think you guys were really lucky to receive a full years notice. That's something to be thankful for, and it sounds like you are. Good luck, there are better opportunities that wait for you.
I was there until they could no longer financially support my employment. I wasn't fired like so many half-wits that I have seen come and go. I wasn't injured in the process. Plus I was showered with free or discounted literature. Which has populated my book shelfs and brought me and my girlfriend closer together. I also got to meet some very interesting and respectable people. I got regular reminders that not everyone is one or both of those two as well, which is just as beneficial. If not, more so. The best part of it is that it's not quite over yet. These next several months will be nostalgic as all hell. Which I never have liked much, but I suppose I can look past that and appreciate it for what it is and was. For me and everyone else that has worked there with me. It's not as bad as I want to think it is. Period.
Same thing happened to me only I was offered a job at their connecticut facility. Sure of course I’ll accept the job, why would I mind a 3 hour commute in both directions, and sure I-84 is a speed-trap but what’s a few hundred dollars in fines each month take this job and shove it Hotwater
Don't worry about the frustrated little bitches. And sorry to hear about your job. Although surely it will lead to greater things based on what I've read. Do you have a years severance or you continue working as usual for a year?