Here goes *again*.. It could take some time.. There are like 40 pics. but I havent the energy.. so I'll just put up a few for now... More may follow!! If you dont know who everyone is by name.. Sal = Peace_Phoenix.. DAnny=island _Dweller.. Me= Ellie-Rose.. and Claire is Claire and dandy pandy is Dandelion_Blood Me, danny, chris and sal Danny and sal. SAl and DAnny Me, Danny, Sal and Claire Claire and Me SAl in non pose mode!! SAl and Claire Me and Danny Awwww Claire DAnny SAl Me curling my hair WES!! SyD! ..And.. the young lovers.. Bonnie and Clyde
Cool picies. Its nice to be able to put a face to the name. I have only meet 3 people from the forums in person and two are on here. The other one is Moominmamma (Sue). I have now had the pleasure of meeting Peace Pheonix (Sal), and Island Dweller (Danny). Would love to meet up with some of the others before I split for Canada. Hope to be able to meet up with some of you soon. Oh yeah love the dog who's is it??? He looks so sweet!!! Love & Giggles from behind the church EnonEmouse
incredible, you managed to capture sal in non pose mode...its a rare and astounding sight... and congratulations on finding my forum before i did...are they going to become linkable one day?
Is that you kelse? I think they will be put up as stickys in the uk forum.. That pic of sal is a gem.. I sat in the tent stalking him for about 20 minutes!1 *hurrah*
Danny is a real sweetheart thats for sure. So is Sal but getting a picture of him where he isn't in model mod is so strange I had to look twice. I just couldn't belive it. Every picture I snapped of him when I meet him looked posed even the ones that wheren't. Hey Sal I LOVE your dog!!!!!!! he looks soooooooo sweet!!!!!! Oh by the way how goes the not smokin both you and Danny where quiting last I seen you??????? noticed you both are in the pictures???? Love & Laughter EnonEmouse
Zopilote? Is that you Kelse? All this name changing is confusing me, I only just got used to Slight! Fantastic to see you posting again though
Yep, Zopilote is Kelse, returning to the forums after all those long months away! If you want to get your old personal forums up and running again, PM Skip and he'll set them up for you manually. Clearly Skip must have remembered to do UK Member Photos himself without anyone asking him to, must be quite a popular forum....
actually, I PMed him to ask him... rosie! it is indeed me once more...did i tell you i managed to get hold of a glastonbury ticket finally?
Your coming to glasters kelse I thought you were gonna get a last minute holiday..!! This is so exciting!!!
i was going to go for the holiday, i assumed i wouldnt be able to get hold of a ticket...the fantastic thing is, now we've managed to get hold of a ticket for nick, so i dont even have to feel guilty about going anymore! splendid
Has Lee got a ticket too Kelse? If he has, he'd better not throw cornflakes at me whilst I'm pissing again How many of your mates are going? You'd better be camping with us this time....
we were camping with you last time...well as best as could be done at the time you arrived... theres a few of us coming this time, less than last year, more than the first year...the ones you know will be lee danny and nick i think...
hi ya, i have the same mick jagger [or the person in the photo] is the only other person i know with that shirt! thats amazing i'm from england tooo! i should post some pics.