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Discussion in 'COOL Public Forum' started by skip, Jul 18, 2006.

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  1. bamboo

    bamboo Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    If truth is the reality that we each individually see and feel and the undefined "presence" is a mystery without resolution except what each person knows and feels in his or her heart without prejudice or judgement and that all people are loved without exception then count me in.
  2. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    That depends on what you mean by love. :)
  3. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    That is what I would consider "innate human goodness". We express this most as innocent trusting children. But soon we are taught to differentiate between people. We label them. Often as being inferior. We start witholding our love to some. Then many. Perhaps that's the point Old Wolf was making with exclusivity. That's where our social programming has bugs. Big ones!

    But many have rediscovered their "innate human goodness" without having to find it in a church or in a savior. They found it in themselves (where else?). So I don't think people have to join a religion to find themselves. I think it's to find others who think alike and share similar values and express their solidarity and community.

    I think it's wrong for a religion to claim credit that they keep people on the right path. People are basically good, but they often get twisted by religion and the hypocricy that is all too obvious.

    I think the purpose of religion is to enhance the spiritual experience, to acknowledge the awesome power that gives us life, and to provide a social context and structure in which to express and share our love and lives.
  4. consolidated

    consolidated Banned

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    So.. is starting your own religion the new thing to do nowadays?
    Maybe I will start one, cause god was telling me the other day that powerhungry people with a big ego are starting their own religions left and right and that needed to be stopped.. so join me!
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Perhaps you'd care to define for us what you think love is.
  6. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    Lol. I'd love to define for you what I think love is.

  7. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    And make us laugh, or is that politics?
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Do you think God cares? I mean is He caring?
  9. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    That's a great question! Isn't the concept of a "compassionate" God, just applying a human trait to something that is far beyond human?

    If God = Love, then you'd pretty much be obliged to say god cares, if you define love as caring.

    Definition of "caring":Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others

    That could be considered love, however, my definition of love is less anthropomorphic.

    To me, Love is your own God consciousness focused outwards. Love is being aware of God in others. So if you Love someone, it's merely God being aware of God.

    Those who reach and maintain this state are Great Masters, like Christ and Buddha.

    Most Buddhists would deny the existence of a sentient God, some worship Buddha as God.

    If we each possess some of God's consciousness, then we can be godlike by loving (being aware) that everything and everyone IS God.

    I can't imagine a higher state of being than that...

    Isn't that what we experience peaking on Acid?
  10. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    'Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love'.

    I don't like to try to define it too much - I'm happier to leave it to poets etc.
    Caring is an inadequate definition in my understanding.
    There is One love and there are different kinds of love, even human love. I've been fortunate to experience love of man for woman, father for child, child for parents, human for animal, even love of the Divine felt as both given and recieved. In the end I suppose it's a state of being - like a state of grace.
    It is a thing of the heart more than the mind, and hence I feel that all our attempts at definition must fall short.
  11. bamboo

    bamboo Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I don't have the ability, intellect or capacity to define it...it is and that suits me fine.
  12. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    Yes. Don't necessarilly designate gender to God, but I don't think you intended that.
  13. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    That is assuming that compassion was not first a trait of God.
    I don't equate God with what God does. Lots of beings love, it doesn't mean that they are love. A dog is a dog even when it loves its companion.
    I don't think (caring) love is anthropomorphic. When my one rat Baby died, nephertiti (my other rat) was depressed for several days. Before Baby died, Nephertiti never sat near people for long periods, wouldn't lie in our laps, always hid in dark corners. When Baby died, Nephertiti just sat there staring off into space for a couple days, laying out in the sun on a pile of towels. Nephertiti would sit in our laps for a bit too, became much closer to us after Baby died. When we got a new (baby) rat (Indy) to be Nephertiti's companion/cohort, Nephertiti brightened up and mother instincts kicked in. It was beautiful.

    Anyway, I said this to point out that caring about (or loving) others is not a distinctly human trait (anthropomorphic).

    I want to reply to the rest of your comment, have some more ideas, but need to get ready. My friend wants to get downtown for a couple of brews.


  14. wandering_okie

    wandering_okie Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    We are God. All of us together. If we care...God cares. If we don't care.......
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you know, all of these questions about 'god', i think what we need to realise is that whatever, if ever, is big, freindly and nontangble (my own perception of what 'god' or 'a god' is), do not absolve US of the reality that WE are creating collectively the conditions we individualy experience.

    i'm not saying this 'being god' collectively means there can't be a seperate god or gods also. there's no reason there can't, and lots of reasons to feel that there is, but it's still our own doing, and not what something nontangable feels about our doing it, that is making things the way they are.

  16. wandering_okie

    wandering_okie Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Point well made..
    What I was trying to say specifically, is this.....no matter who God is, (He, She, It, whatever...) "God's" actions are carried out through us. Therefore, if "God" is caring, kind, vindictive, unkind, etc.... it is because of our collective tendencies to interpret it thus. If we all interact with the world kindly, then "God" must be kind. "God" is basically, (IMHO) our collective conscience. No matter what we name "God", (Jehova, Buddha, Vishnu,...Manson?..)
    it is up to "us all" to make sure that "God" cares.
  17. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I know what you're getting at..I think.
    Problem though with saying 'God's actions are carried out through us' is that most ideas of God would say He existed prior to the human speices, and indeed, the manifest universe.
    Also there may be other beings on other planets quite unlike us - presumably there might be tendency for them to think God is just like them and shares their traits.
  18. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    So by logic then, if God is caring, God is love - circle completed.
  19. wandering_okie

    wandering_okie Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Thank You for allowing me to clarify that.
    What I'm saying is that when we "represent" God (and we tend to do that) with our actions, we indicate to others what we think "our God" is like. If all of us would for instance act kindly on "God's behalf", it would be safe to say....God is kind.
  20. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I don't see it. Surely it is ourselves we represent by our actions. True, our ideas of God may influence or determine our actions up to a point, but generally it's only at second or third hand - I mean it comes from established religious teachings about how God wants us to act rather then any direct action of God through us, or direct knowledge of His will.
    I'd say only if we are actually conscious of God in the given moment could we really be said to be acting on His behalf, or that He is acting through us in any direct sense.

    Consider also that in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, God is evidently telling his disciple Arjuna to engage in destruction and fighting on His behalf - something Christians for instance find hard to accept. So by the same reasoning that says 'we are kind so God is kind', we could say 'God is violent so we are violent'. But actually most followers of the Gita promote peace and love.
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